Jun. 10, 2024
This is a typical sequence of events for constructing a dam and creating a reservoir:
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A dam is usually constructed across a river to create a reservoir in the valley behind by storing the water that flows into it naturally. Sometimes, they are built across dry valleys, or valleys with small streams, to create a storage area for water that is transported from elsewhere.
The diversion tunnel excavated through soft
rock for the stream at Baoshan 2 Reservior
in Tiwan
Streams and rivers have to be diverted to create a dry area to construct the dam. Small rivers and streams are usually diverted through a tunnel, or a channel that is constructed around the side of the dam. Soft soils and rocks are excavated to form the route, while harder rocks have to be blasted with explosives.
Sometimes, dams are built across wide rivers with large volumes of flowing water. It would be impracticable and too expensive to construct a separate channel to divert the water. Instead, a dry construction pit is formed on one side of the river, leaving the other side open for the water to flow through. The first portion of the dam is constructed in the dry pit. When it is finished, another dry area is formed on the other side of the river, and the remaining part of the dam is built. Meanwhile, the river flows through openings in the completed portion of the dam, and the reservoir can start to fill behind it.
Find out about the construction sequence for the Three Gorges Dam that is being built across the River Yangtze in China.
The rock foundation for a gravity
dam being prepared
A dam is built on a soil or rock foundation, depending on the type of dam. The foundation must be strong enough to carry the weight of the dam, and the water pressures acting on the dam. The dam foundation is below the original ground level. It is covered by weaker soils or rock that have to be removed either by excavation or by blasting with explosives.
Sometimes, areas of weaker soils or rocks are found below the planned foundation level and these have to be removed and replaced with stronger materials
Some rock foundations have cracks and fissures in them. These have to be filled with grout to stop water leaking out from the reservoir through the cracks once the dam is completed. This is done by drilling holes down into the rock, and by pumping grout into them, which spreads outwards to fill the cracks.
A concrete batching plant on the
construction site for a gravity dam
As so much concrete is required in a concrete dam, it is mixed together in a special building called a concrete batching plant, which is built on the construction site. For very large dams, there may be a number of batching plants. The concrete can be placed in the dam by two different methods.
The traditional method is to pour a wet mixture of concrete into a mould made in the required shape of the dam. The mould, called formwork, is usually made from sheets of timber. The mould is not made to the full height of the dam, as the dam is built upwards in stages of about 1 to 2 metres at a time. The concrete is left to dry before the next section is formed on top.
The concrete can be transferred from the batching plant to the dam by a number of methods. Sometimes, a system of conveyor belts is used and sometimes the concrete is taken by trucks to the bottom of the dam where it is poured into skips which are lifted to the top of the dam by cranes.
Concrete being placed and compacted
on Stillwater gravity dam in the
United States
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) dams are formed by spreading a drier of mix of concrete and compacting it down using rollers. The dam is raised in steps of about 600 mm. The edges are formed first, by making low concrete walls on the upstream and downstream faces of the dam. Concrete is then transported to the area between the walls and spread in a thin layer using bulldozers. Rollers are then driven over the concrete to compact it down.
Masjed-e-Soleiman embankment dam
under construction in Iran
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Embankment dams are constructed upwards in a series of thin layers. For each layer, the fill material is transported to the dam by trucks and dumped there. Then bulldozers are used to spread the material in a thin layer. The thickness of the layer depends on the material being used. Earthfill layers are about 300 mm thick and rockfill layers can be up to 1 metre thick. The layers are compacted down using rollers.
When the dam has a core, that is also constructed in layers to keep it at the same height as the rest of the dam.
The reinforced concrete layer being placed on the upstream face of the Messochora rockfill dam in Greece.
Once the dam has been raised to its full height, a protective layer is formed on its upstream face. This layer protects the dam against damage by waves, and sometimes provides waterproofing too.
A dam is a structure built across a river or stream to hold back water. People have used different materials to build dams over the centuries. Ancient dam builders used natural materials such as rocks or clay. Modern-day dam builders often use concrete.
Manmade dams create artificial lakes called reservoirs. Reservoirs can be used to store water for farming, industry, and household use. They also can be used for fishing, boating, and other leisure activities. People have used dams for many centuries to help prevent flooding.
The ancient Mesopotamians may have been some of the first humans to build dams . The oldest known dam is the Jawa Dam , located in present-day Jordan. It was built in the fourth century B.C.E. Dams provided farmers with a steady source of water to irrigate crops. This allowed ancient Mesopotamians to feed a growing population.
The Romans were master- dam builders too. They used dams to divert water for drinking, bathing, and irrigation. One of the oldest dams still in use is the Cornalvo Dam in Spain. The ancient Romans built it in the first or second century C.E.
The force of flowing water creates mechanical power. People have harnessed this power for centuries with the use of dams . Small dams powered paddle wheels in pre-industrial Europe and America. These were used to help saw logs or grind corn and other grains.
During the Industrial Revolution, engineers began to build bigger dams. These industrial-sized dams could hold back more water to power the big machinery of factories and mines. They also could turn giant turbines to generate electricity.
The early s ushered in an era of big dam building in America as demands for electricity increased. During the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt put Americans back to work building massive dam projects. The most famous of these is the Hoover Dam .
The Hoover Dam sits on the border between Nevada and Arizona. It was completed in . The Hoover Dam is regarded as an engineering marvel. It was the tallest dam ever built at the time222 meters (727 feet). The dam helped to control the flow of water on the Colorado River by creating Lake Mead, one of the largest reservoirs in the United States. Lake Mead provides drinking water for the city of Las Vegas.
Dams have long been viewed as a symbol of human ingenuity. However, ecologists who study rivers and lakes have uncovered some environmental downsides to dam construction. Dams change the way rivers function, and in some cases, this can harm local fish populations.
Flooding landscapes to create reservoirs can have consequences for biodiversity as well. Brazilian biologist Raffaello Di Ponzio studies the impact of big dam projects on the plants and animals of the Amazon Rainforest. More than 200 hydroelectric dams have been proposed in Brazil. While these dams could help satisfy growing South American energy demands, they would also flood more than 10 million hectares (25 million acres) of the Amazon Rainforest.
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