Jan. 06, 2025
The Pilates Reformer is a piece of equipment that helps you practice Pilates. It consists of a large, horizontal wooden frame with springs and pulleys attached to it (hence the name "reformer"). You can do many different exercises on the reformer. Some of these exercises are similar to those you would do on the floor or on an exercise ball, but others are unique to the reformer.
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How does it work? The springs create resistance as you perform certain movements that would otherwise be impossible without them. For example: if your goal is to strengthen your abs, then doing crunches will not give them enough resistance unless you add something like resistance bands or weights between yourself and the floor/ball/etc., as well as using proper form so that this doesn't become ineffective (or worse). With a reformer though, because its springs provide resistance when moving against them (and also allow for movement in multiple directions), it provides more challenge than simply lying still with weights stacked over each other under your body weight!
The first thing to look for in a Pilates Reformer machine is its frame. The best machines will have a sturdy, well-built frame that's constructed with quality wood and joints. The more sturdy the frame, the longer you can expect your reformer to last (and the less money you'll spend on repairs).
The pads are another important feature of any machinethey're what provide support and comfort during your workout, so it's important that they're soft enough not to cause any injury but also firm enough so as not to compress under pressure from your body weight during use.
Lastly, be sure that the spring system offers high resistance levels without being too harsh on your joints and muscles; this way, even if you're using higher resistance levels than recommended by most instructors or trainers (which is usually between 2-8), there won't be much risk of injury from overexertion or overuse of these muscles while working out on this device
You'll need a minimum of three feet of clearance on all sides of the machine, not including any headrests or arm rests. This gives you room to stretch out as you exercise and provides space for anyone else who might be sharing your Pilates studio with you.
In addition to the space required by the machine itself, there's also a ceiling height requirement: most models require at least 7 feet ( mm) of overhead clearance. This can make installation difficult in homes where ceilings are lower than this height or rooms with sloped roofs where rafters may interfere with some models' assemblies.
Full Size: these are the most common and most versatile reformers. They can be found at fitness studios and pilates studios, as well as from a variety of online retailers.
Mini or Portable Reformers: These smaller versions of full-size reformers are great for travel and don't take up too much space in your home.
Fitness Studio Quality Reformers: These have higher quality materials than their mini counterparts, so they're typically more expensive but will last longer and feel better on your body. If you're looking for top-of-the-line equipment that will last you several years, this is probably what you should buy!
Mini Tower: A tower is similar to a full size reformer except it has fewer springs (or none at all) and doesn't fold up into itself like other models do; instead it sits upright on its own legs without any need for assembly or disassembly after each use."
If your budget is not an issue and you want to get the most out of your money, then consider getting a Pilates Reformer that is optimized for maximum convenience and comfort.
Some of these machines also come with custom support tables that can be used as an extension for your upper body during exercises. These tables are usually made from wood or laminate, but metal ones are also available as well.
This type of reformer will give you the freedom to do all kinds of workouts at home without having to worry about compromising on quality or stability while exercising.
Full-Size Wooden Reformers with the Classic Cadillac or Trapeze Table
The most common type of pilates reformer is a full-size wooden model. These machines are made from sturdy wood, usually maple, and come in several different sizes. The Cadillac and trapeze table can be used for barre and yoga workouts, as well as for rehabilitation.
Small Wooden Reformers
Smaller versions of the full-size reformers are also popular options for those who want to save space or avoid having to purchase a large piece of equipment that they might not use frequently enough. Small wooden models typically only have one carriage instead of two like larger units do, but they're still heavy duty enough to support up to 350 pounds (150 kg) if needed!
The Professional Level Pilates Reformer Machines are designed for studio-based use. They have a larger weight capacity and can typically accommodate users up to 300 pounds. They're usually made of metal, with several springs, accessories and other features that make them more sturdy and durable than consumer models.
Some of these reformers feature a tower or push-through bar that allows you to perform different exercises on the floor instead of being limited to the machine itself. Some also come with wheels for easy transport between rooms in your home or studio.
There are three main types of reformers: portable, mini, and travel.
Portable Can be moved from room to room or from house to house. They're best for people who don't have much space to work with or want their equipment close at hand.
Mini Small in size, but still performs all the functions of a regular size reformer. This type is ideal for those who live in small apartments or want a quick workout that doesn't require any assembly time or extra storage space after use.
Travel Can be disassembled and carried in a bag (or suitcase). Great if you're on the go frequently!
Before you begin your search, it's important to make sure that you're making an informed decision. The following are some things to keep in mind when choosing a pilates reformer:
Budget - You can get a good quality machine for as low as several hundred dollars and up into the thousands or more. The lower end of this price range may not have all of the features that more expensive models offer, but if you aren't planning on doing any advanced exercises, it may be more than enough for your needs.
Space - If you live in an apartment or other space-limited living situation, then there is no need to buy a huge machine that takes up most of your room! There are plenty of smaller options out there as well as ones with foldable legs so that they can easily be stored when not being used.
Training level - If this is going to be your first experience with exercising on equipment like this, then I would recommend starting off small with something like an Ab Glider before moving onto something bigger like our top pick below: The Pilates Shop Timber Reformer (pictured above). This will help keep things affordable while giving beginners valuable practice time before graduating up into bigger machines later down their fitness journey towards achieving their goals by using one of these awesome pieces from Fitness Anywhere! It also has resistance bands built into its design which makes it easy for those who want just enough challenge without having too much difficulty getting started right away."
Found in boutique Pilates studios, fitness facilities, golf clubs, hotels and home gyms, and used by elite and recreational athletes, pre- and post-natal women, celebrities and rehab clients, the Pilates Reformer is one of the most versatile and effective exercise apparatuses on the market.
The Pilates Reformer is a highly sought-after piece of equipment because it facilitates safe, versatile and low-impact workouts for the whole body using spring resistance. Its suitable for people of all ages and fitness abilities looking to increase their strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, posture, muscle tone, range of motion, functional movement and thats just the beginning!
While most Pilates Reformers come with the same base features, there are a lot of upgrades to consider. Ultimately, no two Reformers are alike.
Some Reformers are more customizable with upgrades that can include custom colors to match your décor or branding, extensions for height, a Vertical Stand for upright storage, vinyl strap covers for easy cleaning, accessory boards, a Vertical Frame for a quasi-Cadillac experience, and so much more!
All of these factors are important to consider when investing in this type of exercise equipment. Whether youre a home user, a fitness professional or a studio owner, think about how youll be using the equipment, who will be using it, the size of your space and your budget.
Explore our Pilates Reformer Buyers Guide, where youll find everything you need to know to choose and buy the best Reformer for your needs, fitness goals or studio space.
A Pilates Reformer is a traditional piece of Pilates equipment that uses spring resistance, a moving carriage platform, ropes and pulleys to provide resistive and assistive exercises for the whole body in all planes of motion.
The Reformer springs maintain tension through the full joint range and on the concentric and eccentric phases of the movement, challenging the users strength, stability, mobility, flexibility and balance.
The Pilates exercise method and the first iteration of the Reformer were both invented by Joseph Pilates in the early s. It was his belief that physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. His fitness program, called Contrology, aimed to restore and maintain flexibility of the spine through six principles: breathing, centering, concentration, control, flow and precision.
Merrithews contemporary Pilates method, the STOTT PILATES® Movement System, has evolved over the last three decades, incorporating the latest exercise science and rehabilitation research and fitness training protocols. The STOTT PILATES Principles look at how different parts of the body, as well as optimal breathing patterns and mind-body awareness, function alone and in unison to affect posture, alignment, transfer of forces, muscular recruitment and activity.
The Pilates Reformer, which is one of the most popular exercise apparatuses used for Pilates, has come a long way since the early s with new innovations, functionality and customization, which well explain in more detail below.
The Pilates Reformer offers many benefits to users, including an effective low-impact, full-body workout using spring resistance. Any Reformer workout can be progressed, regressed or modified depending on the users needs, fitness level, ability and goals.
The Reformers spring system facilitates hundreds of exercise options that can be done by a wide range of users, including rehab patients, athletes, pregnant women, people with disabilities and mobility limitations. The spring resistance can be altered depending on the users individual requirements, adding challenge or providing support.
On a Reformer, the user can remain in a comfortable position, including supine, prone, side-lying, standing, kneeling and sitting, while working out.
If the Vertical Frame (sometimes called a Tower) is added to the traditional Reformer, the angle of resistance can be adjusted to target individual muscles and muscle groups. These options increase the functional programming options for rehab patients, everyday users and athletes.
Compared to conventional weight training, where a greater output of force is required to initiate the movement against gravity (think of a bicep curl), when using springs, the resistance begins at a lower level and gradually increases through the range of the motion. This means the greatest amount of resistance is achieved at the end of the range of movement, creating tension through the full joint range. Some exercises on the Reformer actually become more challenging when you decrease the support and stability provided by the springs.
The main difference between these two forms of Pilates is that mat Pilates relies mainly on body weight and gravity, and Reformer Pilates uses springs, ropes and straps for added resistance.
Both provide safe and effective workouts that challenge strength, mobility, stability, and balance and emphasize proper form, alignment, control, breathing and the mind-body connection to improve how the body functions as a whole, integrated system.
Since mat Pilates can be done with just an exercise mat on the floor, its an affordable and accessible way to start, expand or advance your Pilates practice. Its a great way to work the whole body without any additional props or equipment and is often taught at mainstream gyms, fitness clubs and community centers. But dont be fooled just because its done on a mat doesnt make mat Pilates any less challenging than Reformer Pilates.
Many people enjoy the variety and excitement of working on exercise equipment and thats one of the reasons they choose Reformer Pilates. By adjusting the spring resistance, the Reformer can be used to advance many Pilates exercises and increase the stability, endurance and strength challenge. The Reformer can also be used to modify mat Pilates exercises so users who cant exercise on the floor, bear weight on certain parts of the body, or need the assistance of the springs, can still participate.
A. How will you be using the Reformer?
Will you be using the Reformer for group classes, private one-on-ones, home use, health care or rehabilitation? Knowing your client base (or your own needs) will help you choose the best Pilates Reformer, whether thats a professional Reformer with more accessory and programming options for a diverse clientele, or a more streamlined and competitively priced Reformer for personal home use.
B. Who will be using the Reformer?
Professional athletes, seniors, rehab patients or just you? Depending on the answer, this may change the Reformer model you buy. For example, seniors and rehab patients may need an elevated Reformer carriage, so they dont have to bend down to get on the equipment. Athletes may need a longer carriage bed if theyre taller or bigger than the average person. Home users likely want something versatile but compact for their home gym space.
C. What type of space do you have?
Reformers can be used in many different settings and come with special features to accommodate different size spaces. For example, if you have a multi-use gym or fitness facility, you may want to consider a Reformer with a stand or one that can be stacked and easily moved, whereas this feature wouldnt matter as much for a studio owner or fitness professional with a designated space for the Reformer.
D. Whats your budget?
Reformers range in price from a few thousand dollars to $10,000 plus. It all depends on their functionality, features, warranty, add-ons and accessories. When buying a Reformer, look for sturdy and durable components, high-quality craftsmanship and manufacturing, and a comprehensive warranty for peace of mind. You want to ensure that youre investing in a versatile piece of Pilates equipment that will last a lifetime.
This diagram shows some of the basic components of a Pilates Reformer, including the Comfort Footbar, Standing Platform, Springs and Reformer Carriage.
All Reformers have the same basic components. Here are the four most important features to pay attention to when buying a Pilates Reformer.
Springs: A Reformer wouldnt be what it is without its springs, so this is one of the most important features to inspect and research when buying a Reformer. You want to make sure you have a variety of spring tensions to provide different levels of resistance, that theyre made of high-quality and durable material, and can withstand continuous use.
Merrithews custom-crafted springs are nickel-plated and heat-treated, making them extremely safe and durable. They come with a unique spring ball that securely connects them to the gearbar.
Merrithew offers three springs packages:
Merrithew is the only company to include Neoprene spring sleeves to eliminate noise, so users can remain in the zone as they exercise. The metal spring holders on Professional Reformers, and plastic spring holders on At Home models, keep the springs out of the way while not in use. We recommend that you replace your springs every two years to ensure optimal safety, performance and warranty coverage.
This image shows the three springs packages offered on Merrithew Reformers. They are: the High-Precision Springs, available on all Professional Reformer models during manufacturing; the Traditional Springs on all At Home Reformer models; and the Power-Up Springs, available as an additional upgrade for both Professional and At Home Reformer models.
Additional customization: The gearbar is the mechanism that holds the springs in place while in use. It also changes positions, providing additional adjustments. The Traditional Gearbar is standard on all Merrithew Reformers, providing three gearbar positions. Any new Professional Reformer purchase can be upgraded to the High-Precision Gearbar to get six gearbar positions, added versatility and improved precision. This can only be added to Professional models during production/manufacturing. Reformers cannot be retrofitted to add this feature later on.
Spring Equivalent tension in lbs / kg 100% Reformer spring 6-7.5 lbs (2.7-3.4 kg) 50% Reformer spring 3-4 lbs (1.3-1.8 kg) 25% Reformer spring 2.25-3.25 lbs (1-1.4 kg) 125% Reformer spring 7-11 lbs (3.1-4.9 kg)Visit our Spring Center for more information >
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Classic Pilates Wood Reformer.
Carriage: The carriage is a platform on wheels that attaches to the Reformers springs. This is what you will be sitting, standing or lying on as you push and pull the carriage along the Reformers rails. You want to look for a Reformer carriage that is sturdy, comfortable and supportive and doesnt creak or feel rickety when you put your full weight on it.
Merrithews UVA foam-padded carriage is unique because of its patented whisper-smooth rolling mechanism. With two fixed wheels and two floating wheels, the carriage rolls smoothly and quietly across the aluminum rails no matter how vigorous the workout.
Comfort for everyone: SPX® Max Reformers feature a 22 in (55.9 cm) wide carriage, while V2 Max Reformer models have a wider 24 in (61 cm) carriage. A 6 in (15 cm) carriage extension upgrade is also available on certain Reformer models for those looking to accommodate clients 6 ft 4 in (193 cm) or taller.
Rope system: Ropes or straps are another core component of any Reformer and should be adjustable to suit the users specific needs. They usually have handles or loops at the end and provide additional exercise options for the arms and legs. These ropes allow users to work through greater ranges of motion as the Reformer carriage moves, challenging stability and control for a multi-dimensional workout.
Merrithew Professional Reformers have a patented retractable rope system and self-locking cleats that allow for quick, easy and precise rope adjustments to ensure symmetrical resistance and greater available range of motion for all users. The At Home Reformers feature a Traditional Rope System, which is ideal for a single-user setting. Once the ropes are set to the users preference, they wont need to be adjusted before every workout.
Warranty: When investing in something like a Reformer, you want to be sure it comes with a comprehensive warranty. Look for a warranty that covers components and mechanisms, welding, fabric and upholstery, and wear and tear. Read more about what to look for in a warranty below.
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Beyond the conventional Reformer features mentioned above, there are countless ways to customize and upgrade your Reformer depending on your studio needs, clientele, space or fitness goals.
Do you teach a lot of athletes and need a larger carriage or an extra long Reformer Box? Done.
Looking for a Reformer in jet black for a sleek, contemporary look? The choice is yours with upholstery available in 10 standard or 75 custom colors. We introduced the V2 Max and V2 Max Plus Reformers in jet black perfect for high-end, design-forward boutique Pilates studios, luxury fitness clubs, upscale hotels and home users who want to make a bold, stylish statement with their Pilates equipment.
Get a Reformer in your favorite color: our upholstery is available in 10 standard colors at no extra cost, including Dark Cherry, Bronze, Concord Purple and Artichoke. We offer 75 custom colors for an additional charge.
One of the most popular upgrades on Merrithew Professional Reformers is the Vertical Frame and Mat Converter, which transform the Reformer into a quasi-Cadillac. With these additions, users can perform 80% of Cadillac exercises on one Reformer. This is handy for small studios that cant fit both machines, but still want to offer both Reformer and Cadillac programming.
The Vertical Frame provides a number of additional spring options and the Mat Converter turns the Reformer into a raised mat platform, on which mat Pilates exercises can be done for those with limited mobility.
The Vertical Frame is only available on Merrithew Professional Reformer models.
The Vertical Frame can be added to Merrithew Professional Reformer models, transforming the Reformer into a quasi-Cadillac. Here we show some of the key components of the Vertical Frame, including the Traveling Pulleys (Max Plus models only), Safety Chain, Roll-Down Bar, Push-Thru Bar, Arm and Leg Springs, and Traveling Eyehooks (Max Plus models only).
The Reformer is a great piece of equipment on its own, but it can also be enhanced with additional accessories to provide even more exercise and programming options.
Some of the most popular Merrithew Reformer accessory boards that can be added to Professional Reformer models include:
Cardio-Tramp® Rebounder Exclusive to Merrithew, this accessory transforms Professional Reformers into a heart-pumping cardio machine and provides a shock-absorbing surface for plyometric activity, making rebounding exercises easier on the joints. Other brands offer padded boards or a BOSU® on a board as an alternative soft landing surface.
Jumpboard This is very similar to the Cardio-Tramp Rebounder except it provides a firm, padded jumping surface for plyometric and aerobic exercise.
Rotational Diskboard This is used for rotational exercises in both the upper and lower body. The disks can be moved into multiple positions for a range of exercise options and are often paired with other props, like Stability Cushions, to improve ankle strength and mobility. This tool is ideal for rehabilitation and for clients with a limited range of motion.
Cross-Bow Connects easily to a Jumpboard, providing a range of secure grip positions to accommodate a variety of users. Its a great support tool to help with balance and assist with upper body support and stability. Recently introduced as a game-changing addition to the Stability Chair, the Cross-Bow Handles for the Stability Chair also improves the functionality and versatility of the Stability Chair, offering a broader range of exercise options.
Vinyasa Triangle This is another exclusive Merrithew offering thats used in our ZENGA® programming and can support the arms and legs while performing ZENGA or yoga-inspired exercises. This can only be used on Reformers with removable shoulder rests, so not on the At Home Reformer models.
Merrithew Reformers come in a variety of models for home users, fitness professionals, studio owners and health care professionals.
Our Reformers are designed to accommodate diverse client needs with at least three gearbar positions, three headrest positions, four footbar positions and six carriage stopper positions.
Merrithew Reformers are highly adjustable and customizable, providing users with hundreds of exercise and programming options.
Merrithews Professional line of Reformers are manufactured in Canada using the highest quality materials. Our Reformers are built to withstand continuous, high-intensity studio use and come with a comprehensive warranty.
Merrithews equipment is known as The Professionals Choice for its high manufacturing standards and fine craftsmanship. This durability helps Merrithew Reformers retain their value for years after purchase.
Merrithew Reformers are versatile, durable and designed for safety and effectiveness. Due to their quality, durability, reliability and longevity, theyre used in professional settings around the world, including professional sports centers, health care clinics/hospitals, fitness facilities, spas, hotels, and more.
Some of the key features of Merrithew Reformers include: the Patented Retractable Rope System, High-Traction Reformer Feet, Wooden Standing Platform, Detachable Shoulder Rests, Neoprene Spring Sleeves and Comfort Footbar.
Three main patented features set Merrithew Reformers apart from others on the market:
The retractable rope system enables quick and easy rope length adjustments between exercises and clients for an uninterrupted workout.
The fixed/floating roller system allows the Reformer carriage to glide quietly and efficiently along the length of the rails, providing the smoothest carriage ride.
The traveling pulley system on the Vertical Frame provides multiple angles of resistance to facilitate greater range of motion, creating a multi-dimensional workout. By sliding the quick set pulleys up and down on the Vertical Frame, you can completely change the targeted muscle groups and allow clients to isolate specific areas for a very precise workout.
Certain features and accessories, such as the High-Precision Gearbar, high-traction Reformer feet, Cardio-Tramp Rebounder and Vinyasa Triangle, are all exclusive and unique to Merrithew Reformers.
Merrithew offers one of the best warranties in the industry with a limited lifetime warranty on a number of components.
Warranty on all new Merrithew Reformer models:
Note about the At Home SPX® Reformer: If this Reformer is used in Pilates studios, fitness or health clubs, gyms, spas, or any other type of commercial facility offering fitness services to the public, the warranty becomes null and void.
Find out more about our warranty policy >
Adriana Rotella, Merrithew Lead Instructor Trainer and studio owner in Toronto, Canada
If looking for a Pilates Reformer machine for home use, consider a model that can be easily stored. Home Pilates Reformers are usually more compact and have conveniences like wheels, so they can be easily maneuvered, tucked under a bed or pushed aside.
If looking for a Professional Pilates Reformer model for studio use or private clients, consider the general size and specific needs of your clients (e.g. football, hockey or basketball players would require a longer Reformer with extra support), special populations, such as elderly clients in a rehab setting, may find it difficult to get down on to a lower Reformer. You should also consider the size of your studio space. Will the same space be used for Pilates mat or other fitness classes, meaning the Reformers would have to be moved and put away?
At the end of the day, the most important thing is to look for and invest in quality. A good quality Reformer can provide client sessions for well over 20 years!
Regina De Los Reyes, STOTT PILATES Full Certified Instructor at Fit to Live Studio, Philippines; TaskHuman Wellness Coach and Community Lead
Investing in your own Reformer is a great experience. Choose a Reformer that youre already familiar with from your instructor training or that youve used in class, so that you know how to adjust the settings. Identify the type of Reformer you want to have. Will it be a standard Reformer, or will it be a Reformer with a Vertical Frame or Tower? Which accessories do you want to add?
The Reformer should have a solid and sturdy construction with manageable maintenance. Measure your floor space and ceiling clearance so that you know your Reformer will fit accordingly. Look for a manufacturer that gives you value for money, plus excellent customer service, including shipping terms. Inquire about the available spare parts and the typical wear-and-tear lifespan of the Reformer. Ask for any promotions or bundles that you can enjoy with your purchase.
Laura Wilson, STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor and owner of Natural Pilates in Los Angeles, California
Ive always and will always train on Merrithew Reformers because of the outstanding quality of these Pilates machines and the consistency and sturdiness of the springs, which make for a better workout. The Merrithew color selection is great because you can match your Pilates machines with the branding and decor of your studio. Merrithew Reformers are my favorite Reformers compared to all the others Ive tried.
SPX® Max Reformer with Vertical Stand Bundle This Reformer is fully loaded with our beloved commercial features, while also offering the added bonus of a Vertical Stand for space-saving convenience. The regular SPX Max Reformer (without Vertical Stand) can be stacked five high.
V2 Max Plus Reformer Bundle with High-Precision Gearbar - The Cadillac of our Reformer line, the V2 Max Plus Reformer facilitates limitless exercise possibilities. This one-of-a-kind unit multi-tasks as a raised mat platform, a standard Reformer, a quasi-Cadillac and a breakthrough multi-planar, biomechanics training tool.
At Home SPX® Reformer Package Bring the studio experience home with one of the most popular and highly-ranked Pilates machines on the market (as selected by Shape , Womens Health and verywellfit) and get all the accessories you need for the ultimate full-body workout. Ideal for home users, this package option is cost-effective and user-friendly. Plus, get a 60-day free trial to Merrithew Connect, our online Pilates, fitness and mind-body workout platform, to learn how to maximize your new piece of equipment.
This all-in-one bundle includes one classic Reformer and an array of accessories you can use to get the most out of your workout. - verywellfit
Rehab V2 Max Plus Reformer Offering a higher carriage platform for clients with limited mobility and to support the demands on practitioners, this Reformer with Vertical Frame is highly versatile and adaptable for facilities with rehab patients and/or fitness clients. The Reformer can double as a treatment table with the use of a Mat Converter.
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