Dec. 16, 2024
I have not written this publicly, however, I have done this for the first 3. me, I may still have the pricing from 3 years ago.
Goto chinaskyline to know more.
Informatica SMS had the best options for EU. I am not sure about delivery stats though.
If you need two way capability, that requires some extra work to obtain a usable # or Short Code and design the workflows to let Marketo see that. Short Codes = $$$ but are much better.
Are you interested in learning more about Sms Gateway? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!
What do you mean by "rewrite links"? Wouldn't you just use bitly?
The part that was hardest was getting the sales people to provide real detail beyond the basic PDFs, website, etc.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit 4 Ports SMS Gateway Modem.
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