Apr. 29, 2024
Compressed air is the food and beverage industry’s “fourth utility” after the big three of water, electricity, and natural gas. The reliability of this fourth utility depends on predictable air pressure, which means even small leaks can come at a high price.
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Here’s a look at air leaks commonly found in the food and beverage industry, along with best practices and technologies to address them.
The Fluke ii900 Industrial Acoustic Imager includes technology that adds a visual component to traditional compressed air leak detection best practices for easier detection and fixing of air leaks.Food and beverage manufacturers have unique considerations when it comes to compressed air leaks because product consistency is critical to brand reputation and compliance, especially since production plants and equipment are subject to strict controls and regulations to avoid contamination.
In food and beverage plants, multiple air compressor assets connect through pipes to deliver compressed air to move product, operate pneumatic tools or pump liquids for a variety of purposes in production chains, packaging, and cleaning. Here are some examples:
Air leaks at any point can slow down production, affect product quality, create safety or contamination problems, or all four — and damage the bottom line.
Compressed air and gases need to be available at a specified pressure to achieve production and quality targets, yet many facilities accept air leaks as a cost of doing business. Those costs can be high in energy loss but often in other hidden ways such as efficiency, quality and downtime.
According to the Compressed Air & Gas Handbook Seventh Edition published by the Compressed Air & Gas Institute (CAGI), “A single ¼-inch leak in a compressed air line can cost a facility from $2,500 to more than $8,000 per year. Locating and fixing leaks will result in significant savings depending on pressure requirements and energy costs.”
The formula used to determine the extent of compressed air leaks at a facility is: Leakage (%) = (T x 100) ÷ (T + t) T = onload time (minutes), t = offload time (minutes).
If the compressed air system is configured with start/stop controls, start your air compressor when there is no system demand — after hours or off-shift. Then take several readings of compressor cycles to determine the average time to unload the system.
The first step in controlling processing and costs is to find air leaks at their point of origin. Here’s a list of common leak points:
Air leaks are a big issue because they’re abundant and hard to find. Once found and fixed, more leaks tend to pop up due to normal wear and tear on the system.
While it may not be possible to eliminate every single leak, it is possible to reduce the total number with focused inspection using traditional detection methods. With these methods, once a leak is located, a paper tag is used to mark the spot. Four traditional detection methods include:
None of these methods is foolproof and most require downtime, which leads to lost time and money.
Project engineers at a coffee roasting company participated in a pilot study using industrial acoustic imaging technology in a facility where conditions tend to generate many leaks. The test identified the company could save more than 10% per year in energy consumption with the new leak detection device.
The 300,000-square-foot facility houses a coffee roasting and packaging area, coffee wet process area, and tea blending and packaging area. All operations require proper air pressure to efficiently complete processes and traditional leak detection methods couldn’t keep up.
On an average day, the facility uses from 1,000 to 1,600 cubic feet per minute (cu. ft/min) of compressed air. The company’s compressed air system, which consists of five air compressors totaling 585 horsepower, powers automation and tubing used to feed the operation’s nitrogen generation system. Nitrogen is used to improve the quality of coffee. Additionally, the inert gas is used for blending of tea.
With the Fluke ii900 acoustic imaging camera, the team identified potential energy savings of 10%, which is in keeping with its goal of improved sustainability. The new approach also showed how the team could simplify the air leak detection process, allowing the project engineers to keep staff working on products rather than stopping for long periods to detect and fix air leaks.
In a pilot test, a coffee roaster used the Fluke Industrial Acoustic Imager to easily identify and tag as many as 52 air leaks, including leaks in many difficult locations.An advancement in leak detection technology in the form of a portable acoustic industrial imager is making it easier to detect leaks and avoid lost profits.
The Fluke ii900 air leak detector allows users to locate and view air leaks on an LED screen in real time with a point-and-shoot process that doesn’t require a specialized technician. Most users can get up to speed in about 10 minutes. Technicians can also work quickly from a safe distance while equipment is running. Additionally, the device makes it easier to find leaks in hard-to-reach spots or to distinguish between multiple leaks within the same area.
The hand-held imager contains an array of ultra-sensitive microphones that detect sounds in both the human hearing and ultrasonic ranges for sound and then present them visually. The device then applies proprietary algorithms to the results and instantly produces a visual map of the leak on screen. The image of the leak is layered over a visible-light image of the area so operators can quickly pinpoint the leak location.
The Fluke ii900 Industrial Acoustic Imager scans areas up to 50 meters in normal industrial conditions.The Fluke ii900 can also be used to verify successful repairs. If there’s a question, scans captured as stills or live videos can be shared and discussed with colleagues. The captured images eliminate the need to climb ladders or mark the leak with the usual fragile physical tag.
Using common or new detection methods, there’s no time like now to remove the hidden costs and unnecessary waste of air leaks. Here are some best practices to follow:
Buying a quality air compressor that’s best suited to your needs will save you time and money in the long run and it’s an easy process that just requires understanding a few key concepts. This guide will help direct you towards making the best possible purchase.
Selecting the right compressor will mainly depend on four factors:
A compressor needs to supply enough air flow, at the right pressure, for an air tool to work correctly. So the air tools you want to use will be a primary factor when choosing a compressor.
Air tools have a specification for air consumption, normally measured in litres per minute (l/min) or cubic feet per minute (cfm). They also have an operational pressure measured in bars (b) or pounds per square inch (psi).
An air saw for example may have an air consumption of 170 l/min (6cfm) and require a pressure of 6 bar (90psi) to operate correctly. You will need to consult a tools manual or manufacturer to determine the right air requirements for a particular tool.
Compressor - Free Air Delivery (FAD)
A compressor needs to produce enough air to meet the air consumption requirements of the tool(s) connected to it.
The volume of air a compressor produces is called the Free Air Delivery (FAD), also measured in litres per minute (or cfm). The FAD relates directly to a tool’s air consumption requirement.
For an air saw that has an air consumption of 170 l/min the compressors FAD rating will need to be at least 170 l/min.
If you intend to operate multiple tools at the same time you will need to add up the air consumption values of the tools and use a compressor with an FAD rating that meets the total air demand.
For example, to simultaneously run an air saw (170 l/min) and an air ratchet (113 l/min) you will need a compressor with an FAD of at least 283 l/min (170 + 113).
The FAD ratings for all compressors sold at Total Tools are determined according to the Australian Standard AS 4637 2006.
A compressor also needs to deliver a volume of air at a tools operational pressure. If a tool requires 12 bar (174psi) to operate you need a compressor that can pressurise air to 12 bar.
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If a tool needs only 6 bar (90psi) a pressure regulator fitted to the compressor will allow you to adjust the air supply to a lower pressure.
Note: Excessively high pressure can damage tools not built to handle it.
Air Quality
Compressors can produce air of varying quality. Dust, moisture and oil particles can all be present in the air flow unless they are filtered out.
If your tools or application requires “clean” air consider a compressor with particle and moisture filters installed. Oil-less pumps are also available which negate the risk of oil entering the air fow.
Air Tool Specifications
This chart shows the approximate air consumption and operating pressures you can expect from common air tools.
Note: this chart is only a guide, your tools may differ so consult your manual or manufacturer to obtain correct specifcations.
The third factor to consider when buying a compressor is how you intend to use your tools.
The volume of air a tool may require will be affected by how you use that tool. An air saw that’s run in continuous long bursts will require a greater volume of air to operate efficiently over that period than if it is run in intermittent short bursts.
Pressure Cycle
Most compressors force air into a storage tank, increasing the pressure until it reaches an upper pressure limit at which the compressor shuts off.
When the compressed air is being used by a tool the pressure decreases until the tank reaches it’s lower pressure limit, at that point the compressor turns on to re-pressurise the tank. This is the compressor pressure cycle.
Compressing air produces heat which can damage the compressor if it’s not managed. When the compressor turns off (after reaching maximum tank pressure) it has time to cool down while the air in the tank is being consumed.
When a tool consumes the stored air quickly the time for cool down is reduced because the unit needs to turn on to repressurise. If not enough time is dedicated to the cool down phase the compressor can overheat and become damaged.
Duty Cycle
The ratio between the pressurisation and cool down phases is called the Duty Cycle. Ideally to maximise a compressor’s operational life it’s duty cycle over any given timeframe should be no more than 60% of the time turned on and 40% turned off (cooling down).
If you think you’ll be using high air consumption tools in a continuous manner consider a compressor with a higher FAD rating and/or larger storage tank to reduce the risk of wearing out or overheating the unit.
Where you need to operate your tools & compressor is the fourth major point to consider when buying a compressor.
Do you need your compressor to be portable? If you want to move your unit around easily then your compressor will be limited in size, power and volume of air that it can produce.
Electric vs Petrol Engine
A petrol compressor is best suited for outdoor applications where electrical power isn’t available. Never use one in an enclosed environment.
A compressor with an electric motor however will be cheaper to buy and operate and also require less maintenance.
If you choose an electric compressor ensure you have adequate power to operate it. 10amp, 15amp or even 3 phase electicity may be required by your compressor.
Tank Size
The size of tank you require will most likely be determined by how you will use your compressor and the tools attached to it.
A tool used intermittently in short bursts should only require a small tank as the air volume will not be used up quickly. But if your compressor needs to sustain long periods of usage a larger tank is recommended.
Keep in mind that a larger tank will affect portability.
Site Location
Ensure the location you wish to place the compressor is large enough to fit the unit and has adequate ventillation so it won’t overheat.
If you are planning on installing a large air system with more than five workstations or you require air for an industrial application you may require a screw compressor and/or a specialised airline and filtration configuration, so consult with a Total Tools staff member and they will provide the expert advice you require to build the right system for your needs.
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