An ultrasonic level sensor is a device that uses sound waves to measure the level of a substance, such as a liquid or solid material, in a tank, silo or bin. It is a continuous level measurement device that provides real-time, non-contact measurement.
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The basic working principle involves transmitting a short pulse of ultrasonic sound from the sensor and measuring the time it takes for the sound wave to travel to the target and back. The time-of-flight is then used to calculate the distance.
An ultrasonic level transmitter is mounted on the top of the tank and transmits an ultrasonic pulse down into the tank. This pulse, travelling at the speed of sound, is reflected back to the transmitter from the liquid surface. The transmitter measures the time delay between the transmitted and received echo signal and the on-board microprocessor calculates the distance to the liquid surface using the formula.
Distance = ( Speed of sound in air x time delay) / 2
Once the transmitter is programmed with the bottom reference of the application usually the bottom of the tank the liquid level is calculated by the microprocessor.The basic equation for calculating the tank level is
Level = Tank Height Distance
Basic Concept and Elements of the Ultrasonic Level Measurement
Minimum measuring distance (Xm): (also known as the Dead Band) is a feature common to all ultrasonic level meters. This is a short range in front of the sensor within which the ultrasonic device can not measure.
Maximum measuring distance (XM): The longest range under ideal condition within which the device can measure. No measurement is possible beyond this distance.
Ultrasonic level transmitter, which performs calculations to convert the distance of wave travel into a measure of level in the tank. The time lapse between firing the sound burst and receiving the return echo is directly proportional to the distance between the transducer and the material in the vessel. The medium is normally air over the materials surface but it could be a blanket of some other gases or vapours. The instrument measures the time for the bursts to travel down to the reflecting surface and return. This time will be proportional to the distance from the transducer to the surface and can be used to determine the level of fluid in the tank. This basic principle lies at the heart of the ultrasonic measurement technology and is illustrated in the equation: Distance = (Velocity of Sound x Time)/2. These noncontact devices are available in models that can convert readings into 420 mA outputs to DCSs, PLCs, or other remote systems.
The frequency range for ultrasonic methods is in the range of 15200 kHz. The lower frequency instruments are used for more difficult applications; such as longer distances and solid level measurements and those with higher frequency are used for shorter liquid level measurements.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit gallopsensor.
For practical applications of ultrasonic measurement method, a number of factors must be considered. A few key points are:
The presence of heavy foam/dust on the surface of the material can act as a sound absorbent. In some cases, the absorption may be sufficient to preclude use of the ultrasonic technique. To enhance performance where foam/dust or other factors affect the wave travel to and from the liquid surface, some models can have a beam guide attached to the transducer.
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