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Insulation buyer's guide

Author: Geym

Jan. 13, 2025


Insulation buyer's guide

Whatever type of property you&#;re working on, it&#;s important to think about how you&#;re going to keep it warm all year round.

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And with all new homes now required to meet specific levels of thermal performance, there&#;s never been a better time to consider which insulation type is most suited to your project.

But what solution is right for me? And how do I figure out how much insulation I need?

To help you answer these vital questions and find the best insulation for your next project, at Insulation Superstore we put together this comprehensive insulation guide.

Here&#;s what we have in store for you

Table of contents:

  • Types of insulation
  • Insulation materials
    • Insulation board materials
    • Insulation roll materials
  • How much insulation do I need? 
  • Understanding insulation thermal values
  • How to install insulation
  • Getting the best insulation for your needs

Types of insulation

The benefits of insulation are undeniable:

Effectively insulating your property can significantly reduce heat loss and save you money on energy bills.

While sheep&#;s wool and glass wool insulation remain popular cost-friendly options, you&#;ll find an abundance of choices on the market. Most materials are available in loose bags, rolls and slabs, which are perfect for insulating floors, walls and loft spaces.


There are many different types of insulation available on the market including boards, rolls, slabs (also known as batt insulation) and even insulated plasterboard. Insulating your home ensures it&#;s energy-efficient, and you&#;ll notice a reduction in heating bills too. While cavity walls and lofts tend to be the most popular spaces to insulate, floors, pipes and sheds can all benefit from insulation too.

Insulation slabs

Insulation slabs are a solid choice as they&#;re easy to install and have the added benefit of being fire-resistant. ROCKWOOL is a renowned brand, specialising in thermal insulation slabs for timber frame constructions.

Its slabs are known to fit with ease on both timber and metal frames too. They also have a selection of sound insulation slabs which reduce noise transfer both between rooms and from outside your home.

Loft rolls

When it comes to insulating your loft, one of the most effective methods is using loft roll. Glass wool, mineral wool and sheep&#;s wool are all great choices for roof spaces as they trap air which gives them their thermal insulating properties.

This will make your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, while also reducing any problems you may have with condensation.

Loft roll is available from leading brands, including; Isover, ROCKWOOL and Thermafleece. An acoustic loft roll is also an option if you&#;d like to reduce noise impact or protect your home from loud outdoor sounds.

Multifoil insulation

One of the most iconic insulation products on the market, multifoil insulation is a foil roll made up of a combination of sheets, foils and insulating materials. It&#;s one of the thinnest insulation products available and is easy to transport, handle and install.

It&#;s also understood to be much more effective than more traditional insulation products as it focuses on radiation, conduction and convection. You&#;ll find more traditional insulation only takes into account conduction and convection.

Multifoil insulation from leading brands like SuperFOIL can be used almost anywhere, from roof spaces to cellars, and is extremely popular with keen DIYers. It&#;s easy to install and has a long lifespan of over 50 years, making it perfect for self-build projects.

Full fill insulation

Cavity walls are one of the most popular wall constructions in Britain and have been used since the s. They comprise two leaves separated by a clear cavity, which helps to resist moisture penetration and heat loss. Full fill insulation fills this cavity and has seen a surge in popularity as manufacturers began to produce moisture-resistant insulation for filling cavity walls. 

Full fill cavity insulation needs to be both weatherproof and water-resistant to protect against the elements. Our range of EcoTherm, Isover and ROCKWOOL full fill insulation products will have you covered. You can find out more about this type in our Cavity wall insulation buyer&#;s guide.

Fire-resistant insulation

Adhering to building regulations and having the correct fire ratings in place is essential to any project. There are two types of fire-resistant insulation; non-combustible insulation, which retains energy while reducing the risk of fire, and fire-resistant boards, which create a solid barrier to prevent the spread of fire.

There are also several additional accessories on the insulation market to help you achieve a safe fire rating, such as downlights and pipe collars. To find out more, check out our comprehensive Guide to fire-rated insulation.

Acoustic insulation & soundproofing

Acoustic insulation reduces both noise transference between rooms and sounds from travelling from outside to inside (and vice versa). It works by reducing the levels of transmission loss, preventing sound from passing through walls, floors and ceilings.

Installing acoustic insulation means you&#;ll see a reduction in external noise pollution, such as car alarms and traffic, while you can make sure noisy films don&#;t disturb the children&#;s bedrooms by installing room-to-room soundproofing.

Underlay and foam can all be used to reduce noise impact. Several products on the market combine soundproofing and thermal insulation. An acoustic insulation slab is a good example of this, although it&#;s only suitable for pitched roofs and cavity walls.

Head over to our dedicated guide on the Types of insulation and their uses to find out more.

Insulation materials

Once you&#;ve identified the spaces you need to insulate and the type of insulation required, it&#;s time to think about the best materials for the job. Insulation can be made up of a variety of fabrics and each serves a slightly different purpose.

Wool is a popular choice, and there are three main types of wool insulation: rock mineral wool, glass mineral wool and sheep&#;s wool. These are all available in rolls so they&#;re simple to install and fit easily into wall cavities.

The good news is:

If you prefer to work with a more rigid material, you&#;ll find many insulation boards on the market. These are sold as sheets and can be cut to the size you require, so there should be little waste. PIR boards, XPS boards and EPS boards form the three main types of rigid board insulation, all of which are suitable for insulating walls, ceilings and floors.

Having said that, let&#;s take a closer look at the various options available to you.

Insulation board materials

Insulation boards are easy to install and come in a wide range of materials and sizes. They offer a rigid insulation system and there is a vast choice of thicknesses available. So, you can be sure you&#;ll find the most suitable house insulation.

PIR board

PIR insulation board (polyisocyanurate insulation) is created by blending materials to make a single board of rigid foam. It&#;s the most popular form of insulation and is considered one of the most efficient on the market.

In addition, it&#;s easy to install, benefits from a long lifespan and is fire resistant. These three qualities make it good insulation to use if you&#;re embarking on a self-build project.

Find out how the different solutions available on the UK market compare with the help of our PIR insulation comparison chart.

XPS board

XPS insulation board (extruded polystyrene insulation) is water-repellent and renowned for its extreme strength. This makes it a good choice for insulating floors, ceilings and flat roofs.

Its moisture resistance means you&#;re less likely to encounter problems with mould and damp, while its long-term durability means its insulation properties won&#;t deteriorate over time. It&#;s also worth noting that XPS boards can be reused, reducing their environmental impact.

EPS board

EPS insulation board (expanded polystyrene insulation) is thermally efficient and one of the cheapest insulation products on the market.

Unlike XPS boards, water can penetrate it but it&#;s still an effective insulator. It&#;s lightweight, quick and easy to install, and like XPS boards its insulating properties do not deteriorate over time.

Insulation roll materials

Insulation rolls are easy to install and work especially well in wall cavities. Available in three different types of wool, they&#;re one of the most commonly used forms of home insulation in the industry.

Glass wool

Glass wool is made from a combination of sand and recycled glass. It&#;s manufactured to look like wool and is filled with numerous air pockets, giving it good insulation properties.

It can also help with soundproofing and is often credited for being environmentally friendly, as it&#;s manufactured from recycled glass which otherwise would end up in a landfill.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is crafted from rock and raw materials that are melted down and spun into fibres.

In fact, this is what gives it the appearance of wool. It protects against fire and does a good job of insulating your home from both weather and noise pollution.

Torn between glass wool and mineral wool? Our handy guide will help you make up your mind.

Sheep&#;s wool

One of the most popular insulation materials is sheep&#;s wool. It&#;s environmentally friendly and doesn&#;t burn, making it a safe option to use in the home.

To make things even better, sheep&#;s wool is also extremely easy to work with and absorbs water. So, you don&#;t have to worry about ventilation issues.

How much insulation do I need?

Current building regulations stipulate the need for at least 270mm of loft insulation to meet the required U-value of less than 0.16w/m2k. If your home was built in the s you might find it has around 75mm or less of insulation in the loft. This was considered to be enough at the time but is now below what we would expect to install today.

No need to worry, though:

Topping up your loft insulation is possible in many cases and comes with benefits. Naturally, it will depend on your insulation needs. And if you do find you need a top-up, your budget will be on the brain. 

Still, if you find you&#;re spending a lot on heating bills, it could be beneficial to invest in a top-up. If you&#;re keen on DIY and can do the job yourself, the installation costs will be much lower and it&#;s worth considering.

You can find out more about the thickness and depth of insulation in our dedicated guide. In addition, it&#;s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the content of Approved Document L &#; England, which offers technical guidance on meeting the requirements outlined in Part L of the Building Regulations .

Insulation guide on understanding thermal values

Insulation materials have two values, an R-value and a U-value. An R-value tells you how good a material is at resisting the flow of heat. A material that resists the flow of heat well is a good insulator and receives a high R-value. When it comes to insulating a building, the higher the R-value, the better the material is at insulating the property.

Read more on R-values and how they can be affected in our R-values guide.


In the construction industry, a U-value is used to tell builders, architects and engineers how good a material is at insulating. In the UK it&#;s widely believed that U-values are more accurate than R-values. This is because they take into account conduction, convection and radiation too.

To calculate the U-value of a material you divide the temperature difference inside and outside the material by the rate of heat transfer. As U-values work out how much heat has escaped, the lower the U-value the better.

Find out more information on U-values and how to calculate them.

How to install insulation

With so many rooms and spaces available to insulate, we&#;ve put together a series of handy insulation guide articles to help get you started. Whether you&#;re thinking about insulating your shed or you have some pipes requiring insulation, we&#;ve got you covered.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of rockwool fire resistance. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

Additional resources:
Top High-Capacity 21700 Battery Solutions for Optimal Performance

How to insulate walls

What Are the Advantages of silica silane?
Is Sintered Polyethylene Cartridge Performance Compromised by Environmental Factors?

Whether it&#;s an internal or external wall that needs insulating, our handy guide will talk you through internal cavity wall insulation, solid wall insulation and even which materials are best for the job.

Read our complete guide to insulating walls.

How to insulate floors

If you&#;ve got a floor above a cold space, such as a garage, there are many benefits to insulating it. Our guide covers insulating solid floors, concrete floors and suspended floors.

Read our complete guide to insulating floors.

How to insulate a shed

If you&#;re a DIY pro, insulating a shed is definitely something you can do yourself. It&#;s inexpensive and can transform your shed into a usable outbuilding.

Read our complete guide to insulating a shed.

How to insulate a summer house

There are a few different ways you can go about insulating a summer house so long as you have the right materials and know-how. It&#;s a great way to transform it from a seasonal to a year-round outbuilding.

Read our step-by-step guide on insulating a summer house.

How to insulate a loft

From deciding whether to use your loft for extra living space, to deciding on which materials are best for insulating your loft, our handy guide will give you food for thought when it comes to embarking on roof space insulation.

How to insulate a van

Not the first space you might think of insulating, it&#;s actually an inexpensive way to create a more cosy atmosphere for campervans. It&#;s not a project for DIY novices, but if you&#;re a pro at self-builds our guide runs through the best materials to use and how to fit them.

How to insulate a flat roof

Find out how to insulate a flat roof, including which insulation to use and when it&#;s best to tackle the job, in our insightful guide.

How to insulate a garage

If you&#;re converting your garage into additional living space, it&#;s a good idea to ensure it&#;s insulated. From cavity wall insulation to breeze block insulation, our Help & Advice article runs through everything you&#;ll need to consider in this project.

How to insulate pipes

This simple job was once forgotten about but has seen a resurgence thanks to our increased focus on reducing emissions and improving energy efficiency. From preventing pipe freezes to talking you through how to install foam pipe insulation, there is plenty to learn from our insulating pipes H&A article.

How to insulate a balcony

One that often gets overlooked, insulating a balcony is important for a building&#;s thermal envelope. Read our Insulating a balcony guide and find out which products are suitable and what the best practice is when it comes to installing balcony insulation.

Getting the best insulation for your needs

As energy prices have soared in recent years amidst a worsening cost of living crisis, insulating our homes has become an urgent matter.

But with so many different types of insulation and materials available on the market, getting the right one for your home can be quite tricky, to say the least.

The good news is:

There&#;s plenty of help and advice you can avail of at Insulation Superstore! We hope our insulation guide has given you a clearer idea of the multiple options open to you.

If you would like more help choosing the right insulation type, you can open the live chat or give our support team a call on 692 206. 

Rockwool Insulation Attic: Benefits & Installation Guide

Rockwool Insulation Attic: Benefits & Installation Guide

Understanding Rockwool

Rockwool refers to a type of insulation material made from basalt rock and recycled slag. The rock gets melted and spun into fibrous material resembling wool, hence the name &#;rock wool&#;.

The fine yet durable fibers entrap air pockets, which provide excellent insulating qualities. Rockwool demonstrates similar thermally resistive properties as traditional fiberglass insulation. However, it offers certain enhanced performance benefits.

The dense structure makes rockwool insulation an effective acoustic dampener as well. It helps block exterior noise from entering interior living spaces. Besides insulation and soundproofing, rockwool finds extensive use for fire resistance applications thanks to its high melting point.

Overall, understanding what rockwool comprises of and how its fabrication process creates millions of tiny trapped air pockets is key. The resulting product demonstrates unique physical traits ideal for insulating against different elements &#; cold, heat, sound, and fire.

Need a roofing contractor to install or replace rockwool attic insulation?

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Rockwool Insulation Benefits

Energy Efficiency

Rockwool delivers exceptional thermal performance thanks to millions of tiny air pockets trapped within the dense fiber structure. These pockets create substantial resistance to heat flow, dramatically reducing heat loss in winter and heat gains in summer. Attic insulation thickness directly enhances efficiency. With an R-value of 3.6 per inch, rockwool exceeds fiberglass. For cold climates, recommend R-38 to R-60 rockwool. This high resistivity cuts HVAC costs and improves comfort.

Fire Safety

Rockwool can withstand temperatures up to °F before melting. Unlike plastic foams, it does not emit toxic fumes in fire. Rockwool attic insulation forms a barrier inhibiting flame spread. Having non-combustible rockwool lining improves fire safety and reduces structural damage risk if electrical shorts or lightning strikes spark attic fires. Consider adding special fire-rated rockwool products around chimneys and heating appliances for enhanced protection.


In addition to thermal insulation, rockwool efficiently absorbs sound. Its dense structure and friction dampen noise vibrations rather than reflecting them like synthetics. Strategically placing attic rockwool batts and loose-fill across noise ingress areas can dramatically cut exterior noise pollution transfer into living zones. Acoustic testing shows rockwool blocking over 50% more outside noise than traditional insulations.


The R-value or thermal resistivity indicates effectiveness in stopping heat flow. The higher the R-value, the better the performance. Rockwool has an R-value of 3.6 per inch. Thus R-15 rockwool equates to a 4&#; thickness. For cold northern climates prone to heat loss, use R-38 to R-60 grades to save energy. Compare insulating values when selecting insulation to suit your climate and budget.


Rockwool fibers resist compression and retain insulating performance for decades without sagging or shrinking like other insulations. The material&#;s dimensional stability ensures consistent thermal protection over time. Rockwool keeps saving money for longer vs low durability alternatives requiring frequent replacement. Its water repellent properties also prevent heat-sapping moisture damage.

Sustainable Choice

Made from abundant natural stones and recycled content, rockwool represents an sustainable green insulation option. Production uses minimal energy with no chemical binders. Compare this to plastic foam manufacture. Unlike fiberglass which can shed microfibers, rockwool avoids airborne pollution. Cleaner production and recyclability make rockwool a responsible eco-friendly choice.

How Effective is Rockwool for Attic Insulation

Enhancing Comfort

Effective attic rockwool installation enhances home comfort in multiple ways:

Temperature Moderation

High R-value rockwool batts or loose-fill added to attic floors or rafters creates substantial thermal resistance. This insulation ability keeps attics cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Heat and cold get trapped in the attic instead of transferring into living zones.

Draft Prevention

Tiny air pockets within dense rockwool fibers block convective flows of heat transfers through gaps. Eliminating leaks prevents cold drafts in winter. No more shivering beside walls or around electrical outlets.

Noise Reduction

Rockwool excels at sound dampening thanks to its high-density structure. Adding insulation over ceilings and walls adjoining attics helps block outside noise like traffic from disturbing indoor relaxation.

Moisture Control

Rockwool resists moisture intrusion far better than paper-faced insulations. Preventing water retention helps ensure good indoor air quality without mold risks.

Overall, rockwool attic insulation enhances comfort through better temperature moderation, draft control, sound absorption and moisture resistance.

Improving Home Value

Upgrading attics with R-38 or higher rockwool insulation adds value by increasing buyer appeal while saving money long-term:

Curb Appeal

Better insulated attics require smaller, less costly HVAC systems. This saves buyers equipment CapEx expenses. Lower energy bills also facilitate home sales.

Bigger Budget

With rockwool delivering over 50% heating/cooling savings in some climates, homeowners gain extra disposable income boosting affordability.

Appraisal Value

Rockwool attic insulation enhances property value appraisals via rising sustainability standards. Green building certification programs recognize enhanced insulation.

In summary, prospective homeowners get more interested in well-insulated houses. Beyond comfort and savings, rockwool insulation unlocks financial incentives to improve market valuations.

Rockwool Attic Insulation &#; Step-by-Step DIY Installation Guide



  • Tape measure
  • Utility knife
  • Staple gun
  • Hammer
  • Fasteners (nails, screws)
  • Extension cord, portable light


  • N95 dust mask
  • Protective gloves and goggles

Safety Measures:

  • Inspect attic for wiring, equipment and hazards
  • Ensure adequate lighting for safe navigation

Air Sealing:

  • Seal all attic cracks, gaps and openings using caulk or spray foam

Vapor Barrier Importance:

  • Install vapor barrier facing (foil, kraft paper) under insulation to prevent moisture-related performance damage

10 Key Installation Steps

  1. Measure attic area and determine required insulation R-value as per climate zone to calculate amount needed.
  2. Mark framing locations for mounting vapor barrier support layers.
  3. Staple or nail reflective insulation vapor barrier layer across entire surface area with sealed seams.
  4. Add a secondary wind-proof membrane layer over primary vapor barrier for further infiltration protection.
  5. Mark out installation zones per size of insulation batts to be placed in each section.
  6. Trim batt segments to fit snugly and completely fill spaces between trusses or rafters when placed.
  7. Use loose-fill rockwool to insulate irregular areas around ductwork, wiring etc.
  8. Glue/staple external facing at insulation joints to minimize thermal gaps or wind penetration.
  9. Attach &#;Installation Date & Insulation Type&#; marker signs on entry points to attic access.
  10. Periodically check attic insulation integrity and supplement settled sections.

Comparing Attic Insulation Types

When selecting attic insulation, key factors to compare include thermal performance, cost, environmental impact, and ease of installation. Below is an overview of common insulation materials and how they compare on essential criteria:

Key Takeaways:

  • Fiberglass is cheapest but lacks durability vs rockwool over long term
  • Cellulose has higher thermal performance but loose-fill application is messy
  • Rigid foam boards have best R-value but high environmental impact
  • Rockwool provides easiest installation with recycled and high sustainability merits

Environmental Impact


Rockwool insulation offers significant sustainability advantages:

  • Contains up to 70% recycled content from waste streams like metal production slag, reducing landfill disposal
  • Spinning manufacturing process uses minimal energy and zero chemical binders
  • Environmentally superior to plastic foam insulations with high carbon footprint
  • End-of-life products can be reused or recycled instead of landfilling
  • Made from abundantly available basalt rock instead of scarce resources

These merits make rockwool a greener insulation choice meeting rising eco-standards worldwide. Homeowners concerned about environmental impacts should strongly consider rockwool.

Health Safety

Regarding health and safety:

  • Rockwool fibers higher density limits particulate release risk
  • No toxic offgassing or formaldehyde emissions associated with plastic foams
  • With dust masks, fiber exposure during handling and installation is minimized
  • EU quality certifications confirm non-carcinogenic material composition
  • No documented links between properly installed rockwool exposure and respiratory issues

Proper precautions include using facial protection, adequate site ventilation and mechanized cutting tools instead of manual sawing to limit fine particulate inhalation.

The American Lung Association and NAIMA industry body state rockwool material safety when following recommended work practices for insulation application. Always confirm safety handling directions before commencing installation projects.

In summary, rockwool represents a sound health and safety profile overall given non-toxic, quality controlled material composition and available protective measures during installation.


Installing rockwool insulation in attics delivers immense home efficiency and comfort benefits thanks to the material&#;s outstanding thermal, acoustic and fire resistive properties. Its high R-value per inch surpasses conventional insulations like fiberglass.

Strategic placement between roof rafters, over ceiling joists and across hard-to-fill spaces ensures comprehensive temperature, sound and fire control. Tightly fitting rockwool batts or blown-in loose-fill minimizes energy leaking gaps.

Compared to foam boards or cellulose options, rockwool combines easiest DIY installation with superior insulation durability meaning maintained long-term savings. Vapour barrier integration is vital to prevent moisture-related performance reductions.

Application best practices like safety gear use, air sealing, calculated coverage and signage prevent issues. Compared to other insulations, rockwool also shines for sustainability merits like recycled content, low emissions and recyclability.

Given extreme attic conditions, choosing the right insulation is key to energy savings. Rockwool roof spaces application helps cut electricity bills by over 50% while making homes comfortable, quieter and safer. This future-proof investment protects budgets and the planet.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website foam glass insulation board.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I install Rockwool insulation in my attic myself?

Yes, with proper preparation including safety gear, assembling materials, and following the step-by-step installation guide, handy homeowners can DIY rockwool attic insulation. Key is ensuring no gaps between batts and adequate coverage to specification. Supplement difficult areas with loose-fill rockwool. Prioritize staying protected against irritant dust when handling.

When should attic insulation be replaced?

Typical signs indicating attics may need insulation replacement or topping up include rising energy bills, noticeable temperature differentials between floors, icicle/mold formation signaling moisture ingress, and disturbance from pests or modifications. As rockwool retains stable long term R-value and durability, replacements are less frequent - inspect at least every 10 years.

Where else to use rockwool insulation?

Beyond attic spaces, rockwool works effectively for exterior wall cavities, basement/crawl space linings to control humidity, HVAC duct insulation and even under floors for sound dampening. Multi-purpose rockwool helps mitigate heat loss, vibrations, fire spread plus absorbs noise in a wide range of commercial and residential applications.

Why attic insulation is important?

Properly insulating attics is vital because they can account for over 30% heat loss in homes if unaddressed. Heat flows through roof spaces wasting energy and money. Insufficient attic insulation also allows external noise transfer, ice damming and fails to provide crucial fire compartmentalization. Optimal insulation like rockwool addresses all these issues.

Does rockwool insulation contain asbestos?

No. Rockwool consists of natural basalt rock and recycled slag material spun into fibers - not asbestos. Independent testing verifies rockwool represents no carcinogenic or respiratory risks from fiber inhalation during handling given composition difference from hazardous asbestos. Proper precautions still apply.

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