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Bucket Brewer to Commercial Brewing – Pro Tips

Author: Daisy

Sep. 02, 2024


Bucket Brewer to Commercial Brewing – Pro Tips

This week I was literally asked about going from bucket brewer to commercial brewing. The guy who reached out, had bought some brewing equipment and was asking how he&#;d be best off making the transition.

You can find more information on our web, so please take a look.

Message Sent to Me From Someone Looking to Transition

I have to say this isn&#;t an easy question to answer. Brewing beer commercially isn&#;t just brewing beer, you wear many hats.

  • Cleaner
  • Logistics and scheduling production

  • Raw material purchasing
  • Packaging your beer

  • Cleaning (brewing is 80% cleaning)

Honestly it goes on and on. For the guy who reached out to me; he&#;ll also be in charge of the business too. It&#;s a lot to take on.

Roles in a Brewery

In a brewery there are many roles which need to be filled, depending on the size of the facility. For instance, we have&#;

Production Team &#; take care of the brewing, cellaring and packaging of the beer.

Delivery &#; If you&#;re not a taproom, someone needs to get your beer to clients

Quality Assurance and Control &#; Taking samples throughout the brewing process, making sure it is within parameters.

Sales &#; There&#;s no point making beer, if you can&#;t sell it to anyone.

Accounting and Finance &#; You need to take care of the money and taxes

Government agency liaison &#; In most breweries, this is rolled into another job. In most parts of the world, beer production has some level regulation.

You&#;re making alcohol for consumption after all. You need to be in compliance or you&#;ll face heavy fines. This is an on-going role.

Marketing &#; These days as the market becomes saturated with breweries opening all the time, you need on point with your marketing.

There are other roles too, depending on brewery size, I&#;ve just listed the main ones. Being a commercial brewery means you have a lot to organize and be on top of.

So, how do you go from making beer in your garage to running a brewery which makes beer and sells it to the public? Well, there are a few routes, and one of the most common is to start with contract brewing.

Contract Brewing Route &#; Bucket Brewer to Commercial Brewing

Contract brewing is a popular way for a home brewer to make the transition to having their beer available commercially. In the link above I dive deeper into contract brewing however, here I&#;ll give you the quick lowdown here.

What is Contract Brewing

Essentially contract brewing is taking your beer recipe and brewing on someone else&#;s system (host brewery) as a &#;guest brewer&#;. Agreements and contracts will decide how involved the guest brewer is, in the production and packaging of the beer.

Some of the Pros and Cons of Contract Brewing

The reason it&#;s appeals to aspiring commercial brewery owners, is it cuts through a lot of the red tape needed to get your own facility up and running. The host brewery already has the right paperwork, to brew and package beer.

Depending on the agreement in place, the host brewer will take care of record keeping, labelling, getting the correct certificates and in some cases even take care of taxes. Furthermore, it cuts down the time it takes to get your beer to market, making it more hassle free too.

The Advantages of Contract Brewing &#; Bucket Brewer to Commercial Brewing

As we&#;ve already said, it allows a brewer to cut through a lot of red tape plus, their beer to market much quicker. Setting up a new brewery is a large capital investment.

The equipment to make beer isn&#;t cheap, you need a building and to pass local regulations&#;the costs soon mount up.

Granted, the costs of goods (your beer) are higher; as the host brewer needs to make a profit on the beer produced. Still, the price to market is cheaper than having your own brewery. Most of the costs are variable costs; as a guest brewer you have little in the way of overheads.

When you contract brew, you&#;re not paying the usual brewery costs such as rent, payroll and for the brewing equipment. It means you can spend additional capital on branding and marketing.

Contract brewing gives the budding brewery owner a chance to establish a brand, get feedback on their brews and identify their place in the market before committing to the huge capital expenditure of opening a brewery.

Learning the Ropes

Another advantage of contract brewing is you can elect to be more hands on during the brewing process. It&#;s offers you the chance to learn how to brew on a commercial scale by physically being on the brew deck.

Your negotiations and contract agreement would need to be set-up properly. However, the chance to brew beer to send to market AND learn the tricks of the trade is truly golden.

It would mean finding the right brewery to work with. Some breweries are more open than others to helping you learn &#;on the job&#;. However, over several brews you can get a good insight into how beer is produced on a commercial brewery.

Bucket Brewer to Commercial Brewing &#; Formal Training

One route to learning to brew on a commercial scale is getting a formal brewing education. The technical levels of courses available out there, vary greatly. There are even specific courses to teach people the ropes of becoming a &#;brewery owner&#;.

Most countries have courses at various levels, from beginner courses teaching you the basics of brewing, to in-depth diplomas which go heavily in the technical aspects.

It&#;s good to get some formal training, however it&#;s my personal opinion, you&#;re better off gaining practical knowledge and being hands on in a brewery. Which leads us on to the next section.

Gaining Real World Experience

As I said gaining practical experience in a brewery will stand you in good stead if you become a brewery owner. If you visit brewing forums; brewers will tell you nothing beats real world experience.

Understanding the brewing process and being able to physically brew as a brewery owner can get you out of a tight spot.

As an Owner it&#;s Good if You Understand the Brewing Process

For example, even if you&#;re not planning to brew yourself, knowing how to brew can make sure production continues even if a key worker, like your head brewer leaves.

Having any form of downtime when running a brewery isn&#;t something you want. If it&#;s viable, doing a year in a brewery to learn from the inside will be an invaluable experience.

So, how do you get real world brewing experience? Well, let&#;s go through some pointers.

Making Contact &#; Bucket Brewer to Commercial Brewing

In the brewing industry, it&#;s usually not what you know, BUT who you know. For instance, if you go to a taproom and leave your resume at the bar without really introducing yourself, chances are, you&#;ll never hear back from them.

Similarly, cold emailing a brewery saying you&#;d like to work for them has a low chance of success. What&#;s more likely to work is to become a regular at the taproom.

Look you don&#;t have to a raging alcoholic. However, be seen and do your best to make a good impression. Plus, let people know you want to get into the brewing industry.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit YME.

Additional resources:
A Look at US Gypsum Production
What are the advantages and disadvantages of different ...
10 Questions You Should Know About Brewery Systems for Sale

If you&#;re lucky a slot will open up and you&#;ll get the call from the brewery. Furthermore, the brewing industry is a small one. Brewers from different breweries do chat to one another.

For example, if I need of someone for my brew team, I might reach out to another brewery and ask if they know of anyone. If the brewery I contact vouches for you, you&#;ll move up the list.

But I Don&#;t Have Any Brewing Experience!

Hey not having any commercial brewing experience doesn&#;t have to be a barrier to entry. If you show you understand the type of work done in a brewery and can show you&#;ve actively tried to learn those skills it&#;ll be noticed.

Actions you can take are:

  • Buying the MBAA Practical Handbook (or equivalent in your region)
  • Going to local MBAA meetings

  • Taking the IBD General Certificate exam
  • Going to local college to learn practical stuff like how to fix pumps and motors

Knowledge is power, keep learning about brewing. There&#;s plenty of free information for people who want to learn about brewing, and now even a number of great podcasts (link to the Build Me A Brewery Podcast feed).

There are many ways to show a brewery you&#;re serious about a career in brewing. You don&#;t have to tell any potential employer you&#;re looking to start your own place later down the line.

Learning about health and safety is a big one for breweries. The best breweries make health and safety their #1 priority. So, if you know about OSHA (or health and safety like 5S) then it can make a brewery take notice without spending US30,000+ getting a brewing education.

Good Breweries make Health and Safety Their #1 Priority

When You Get a Brewing Position &#; Bucket Brewer to Commercial Brewing

Be HUMBLE and willing to learn, if you get a position on the brew crew without previous experience you&#;re likely starting at the bottom.

It&#;s not a bad thing, it&#;s how I started. I was an assistant brewer so, I cleaned kegs and tanks and worked on the bottling line. However, they slowly taught me how to brew.

The lower rung jobs in a brewery are 90% cleaning. A brewery is a machine, which is only as good as it&#;s weakest link. Even if you feel like you&#;re not doing much you&#;re still a vital cog.

Look, I&#;ve been brewing for 25 years and still get in to tanks or the brew kettle to clean them out, if needed. In a brewery you&#;re working in close quarters with other humans for many hours at time.

You need to be someone, who other people like to be around. Plus, being able to make amusing small talk will help your cause too. Yes, we all have our quirks; and to be fair it takes a special kind of person to get into the brewing industry.

It really isn&#;t as glamourous as most people think it is&#;plus it&#;s certainly not for the pay. So yeah, do your hard yards and then look to become a brewery owner&#;do it well and yes you can lead a comfortable life.

Ask Questions

If you do work in a brewery, try and pick up as much knowledge as you can. If the brewery has a lab, learn as many of the processes they run as humanly possible.

Having good QC in your brewery helps it be successful more easily. We listed some of the roles in a brewery earlier. Try and learn as much as you can about the different departments. It&#;ll give you a better top/down view when you finally have your own brewery.

Bucket Brewer to Commercial Brewing &#; Conclusions

I&#;m seeing more and more people looking to get in to the brewing industry, without any previous commercial experience. As I say, there&#;s a lot to learn and many elements to running a brewery.

The more knowledge and real-world knowhow you can pick up before you start your venture the better off you&#;ll be. We just set out some of the ways you can gain the experience you need.

I can&#;t stress enough, knowing how to brew beer yourself, before opening a brewery is a good idea. Even, if you don&#;t plan to brew yourself (hire a head brewer), having the knowledge will mean the brewery can keep running in most eventualities.

Plus, you&#;ll have more realistic expectations and gain the respect of your brew crew more quickly. Furthermore, they&#;ll be more open on your thoughts on how to run a brewery too.

Need Some Advice on Setting Up a Brewery of Your Own?

My name is Neil, I&#;m a British brewer with 25 years of brewing experience. I&#;m now based in China and help people source brewing equipment. I can also offer assistance in other ways too.

  • Help you put an equipment list together
  • Work with you to make brewery layout more efficient

  • Assist with recipe formulation
  • Improve a brewery practices and processes

  • And much more&#;

If you&#;d like to reach out to talk about a brewing project then please feel free to me at:

Or you can scan one of the QR code below, add me directly to your preferred network and message me there.

Thanks for taking the time to read my article. I hope you found it useful. Again, feel free to get in touch if you have any feedback or follow-up questions.

How Beer Works

"" A Pilsner glass


Have you ever wondered what "malt" really is, and how you get malt from barley? And what about hops, and why d­o we need yeast? Barley, water, hops and yeast -- brewers combine these four ­simple ingredients to make beer.

­But it's not just a matter of mixing the right amount of each ingredient and voila!...you have beer. A complex series of biochemical reactions must take place to convert barley to fermentable sugars, and to allow yeast to live and multiply, converting those sugars to alcohol. Commercial breweries use sophisticated equipment and processes to control hundreds of variables so that each batch of beer will taste the same. In this article, we'll learn how events like Prohibition and World War II influenced the taste of the beer we still drink today. Then we'll take a tour through a regional brewery, the Carolina Brewing Company, to learn how they make beer, picking up some of the amazing technology and terminology of beermaking along the way.


People have been brewing beer for thousands of years. Beer especially became a staple in the Middle Ages, when people began to live in cities where close quarters and poor sanitation made clean water difficult to find. The alcohol in beer made it safer to drink than water.

In the s in Germany, a type of beer was made that was fermented in the winter with a different type of yeast. This beer was called a lager, and, in part due to Prohibition, a variation of this type of beer is dominant in the United States today.

For 13 years, starting in , a constitutional amendment banned the production of alcoholic beverages in the United States. Before Prohibition, America had thousands of breweries producing many different types of beer. But Prohibition forced most breweries out of business. By the time the laws were repealed in , only the largest breweries had survived. These breweries sought to brew a beer with universal appeal so that it could be sold everywhere in the country. And then came World War II. With food in short supply and many of the men overseas, breweries started brewing a lighter style of beer that is very common today. Since the early s, small regional breweries have made a comeback, popping up all over the United States, and variety has increased.

In the next section, we'll take a closer look at the ingredients of beer.

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