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The Best Logging Boots | Expert Guide to Buying Logger ...

Author: Cheryl

Oct. 28, 2024

The Best Logging Boots | Expert Guide to Buying Logger ...

Best Logger Boots | Expert Guide to Buying Logging Boots


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Logging: One of the Most Dangerous Jobs in America

A number of factors come into play that make logging a dangerous profession and wearing the right boots for the job is crucial. A good pair of logging boots can help prevent serious injury and in some cases, even help prevent death.

Logging involves working on difficult terrain, many times in inclement weather conditions. Accidents abound when workers are felling trees that can fall in unpredictable ways, or when the falling trees knock down other nearby trees.  Sometimes falling trees dislodge heavy stones, boulders and logs that will suddenly tumble down through a job site. 

A high-quality pair of logging boots will have Steel or Composite Safety Toes that meet current ASTM Standards to protect feet from heavy impact and compression, They will also have aggressive multi-directional outsoles that will provide secure footing when needed to move quickly in slippery conditions to avoid injury or death.

Logging is usually done in remote forest locations, where medical aid is far away.

This is why it so crucial for workers to wear the safest protective gear available to protect themselves while on a jobsite. According to OSHA and the Bureau of Labor Statistics in In , logging workers had fatality rates more than 10 times the all-worker rate of 3.5 fatalities per 100,000 FTE workers.

While over time the hazardous job of tree felling, traditionally done by men's hands, has been replaced by the use of massive heavy machinery, it has resulted in the introduction of new potential dangers on logging work sites.

Logging in the United States Began in Jamestown, Virginia in

Today the Logging Industry in America is so vast, that the United States now supplies the world with a quarter of all its lumber, but it had its humble beginnings.

It all started in , with the first settlers having to cut down trees to create what was known as the Jamestown Settlement: the first permanent English Settlement in North America.

Above: A rendering of Jamestown, Virginia;

While logging in America may have started out with the rudimentary use of basic saws, axes, and wedges, today&#;s logging has dramatically changed. Modern technology now involves the use of heavy machinery, such as; harvesters, forwarders and mechanized Sawmills to get the job done.

Despite all the latest technologies available, small independent logging companies still continue to operate in every state across the nation. Regardless of the method used, whether traditional or modern, logging remains one of the most dangerous occupations in the USA and demands the best protection available for feet, ankles and lower legs.

Logging and Work Place Safety

Just how dangerous is the logging industry? Despite its fatality rate, the logging industry has a history of injuries that have occurred to logger&#;s feet, ankles and legs.

According to a pinpoint study done of logging injuries in the Appalachian Mountains, by the Forest Service; U.S. Department of Agriculture: [2]

&#;Legs, ankles, feet, and toes were the most likely to be injured in logging accidents. The lower body extremities incurred 38.5 percent of all injuries.&#;

Of these, the most common Leg and ankle injuries are: cuts and lacerations, fractures and bruises.

Logger Boots Offer the Best Protections

Because of the serious need for safety, logging boots are engineered to be one of the most protective styles of work boots that you can buy on the market today. They have steel or composite safety toes, aggressive outsoles for traction and tall 8" or 9" leather uppers that help protect bruises to the calves while providing stability and to guard against cuts and scratches when working in thick forest undergrowth.

The Need for Aggressive Outsoles

The following statistics highlight the need for quality outsoles to prevent falls, which counted for slightly over 1/10 of the total Injuries in the logging industry:

  • Falls From Elevations
    This involved those falling from elevated surfaces while unloading trucks, or climbing on or off loaders, skidders and other equipment. 
  • Falls Due to Poor Traction
    While working on dangerous terrain, workers became injured when stepping into holes, tripping over stumps, logs or branches. or when slipping on wet leaves, bark, or loose rock and while running away from erratically falling trees.
  • Falls from Machinery
    When workers were loading and unloading trucks, or setting chokers, or bucking logs, feet had become pinned or crushed.

Quality logging boots with safety toes and heavy duty outsoles help prevent serious incidents such as:

  • Poor Footing on treacherous terrain that can lead to slipping
  • Foot Slippage while climbing on and off heavy machinery
  • Footing dislodged by logs rolling out from under feet
  • Compression from massive dislodged logs rolling directly over the feet
  • Impact from logging equipment, such as chainsaws and axes, being dropped onto the feet

Logging, from start to finish, encompasses many different jobs.

Todays logging industry involves the following occupations: Equipment Operators, Truck Drivers, Yard Workers and Sawmill Operators, that are all at equal risk for foot, ankle and leg injuries.

Logging boots are made to specifically address the routine safety issues that these workers face on a daily basis. The boots are scientifically engineered to provide maximum protection against a variety of hazardous job mishaps, as well perform well under treacherous outdoor elements, like rain, mud, sleet, ice and snow.

Above: A Tree Feller cutting down a tree. Logging has many stages each with its own host of perils.

The Many Stages of Logging

  • Marking Trees to Fell
  • Felling Trees
  • Delimbing
  • Transporting Logs to Sawmill
  • Bucking
  • Debarking
  • Processing Logs through Chippers
  • Storing of Products at Lumber Yards

OSHA Follows ASTM Standards for Logging Boots

OSHA, the Occupational Safety Heath Administration, sets the federal regulations for all work industries across the USA, including logging boots, which falls under PPE (Personal Protective Equipment.)

Since foot injuries are so inherent to the logging industry, workers must be outfitted with work boots that meets OSHA's rigid PPE safety standards. Logging companies are held responsible for making sure their workers wear the proper safety footwear. Failure to do so will result in heavy liabilities and extensive monetary fines.

An international organization known as  ASTM does extensive research and testing of all types of products. This includes safety footwear. OSHA relies on their expertise when determine its PPE regulations for American industries.

OSHA requires logging boots to meet or exceed the current ASTM safety standard F-

Logging Boots that meet this standard will protect toes from:

  • Impact = The footwear can tolerate a force of 75 lb being dropped down onto the Safety Toe Cap
  • Compression= The Safety Toe Cap can handle a crushing compressive force of lbf

Logging boots meeting OSHA Standards have the ASTM standard clearly marked on the inside

Work boots that fail to meet these standards may result in foot and leg injuries, maiming, and serious life-changing disabilities that might lead to amputations.

These injuries are caused by the dropping or swinging of heavy equipment such as; chainsaws, axes, tree limbs that might drop down onto the feet, dislodged rocks and boulders, heavy logs that can roll over the tops of the feet, and motorized vehicles that might roll across the foot.

Anatomy of a Logging Boot

A well-made pair of Logger Boots will have a defined set of safety features. Pictured below are are the key components that make logging boots so uniquely protective..

Key Logging Boot Features

  • Safety Toes
  • Logging Boots must first and foremost have safety toe protection that must meet the current ASTM Standards. Today&#;s loggers have safety toe caps that are made of Steel, Composite Materials or Alloy, that all work equally to protect your feet from injury.

  • Logger Heels
  • The first thing you will notice about a logging boot is the design of its heels. They are raised to provide clearance under the arches of the feet. This provides the boots with the ability to lock onto tree branches and logs to assure stability on the forest floors.

  • Steel Shanks
  • Strong Shanks, usually Triple Ribbed, provide a stable platform in which to lock onto undergrowth on forest floors. They also protect the arches of the feet from damages as loggers walk across the forest work site.

  • Aggressive Outsoles
  • In a dangerous wooded work environment, it is paramount to have secure footing. The logger boot outsoles must have deep lugs that can dig into mud, dirt and debris, especially in wet, icy, or snowy conditions when it can become wet and slick. Logger boot&#;s Multi-Directional Lug Pattern Outsoles provide traction regardless of the direction you are walking in, be it an upslope, a downslope, or on a slope using a sideways step.

  • 8&#; - 9&#; Leather Uppers
  • Logger boots have genuine leather uppers that are tall to help protect the ankles and lower legs from scrapes and scratches that occur when walking through dense underbrush. They also provide an extra layer of structured protection around the ankles, guarding against any ankle rolling, or twisting.

  • Waterproofing
  • It is important that a logger&#;s feet stay dry on the job. Water inside logger boots can cause dangerous foot slippage deep within the boots. Since a logger works in all kinds or wet weather conditions, their logger boots should have a good quality internal waterproofing system that will seal out water 100%.

  • Insulation
  • Loggers are known to work through the colder months and insulated boots become a necessity. Most loggers will have a pair of non-insulated logging boots for the summer and a second pair of insulated logging boots for the winter. However, some loggers will use a logger boot with a minimum amount of 200g insulation year-round in the field.

  • Roomy Toe Box
  • When loggers work on their feet all day, it is normal for their feet to swell by the end of the day. Logger boots that offer roomy toe boxes will make sure there is ample room and help stave off any foot cramps.

  • Breathable Moisture Wick Lining
  • Logging Boots will have a comfortable lining that is engineered to be breathable, so feet stay dry and healthy on the job. An excessive build-up of dampness within a pair of logging boots can lead to foot slippage within the boots and the the growth of unhealthy bacteria deep within the boots.

  • Kiltie
  • Kilties are just small, extra swaths of fringed leather that lay under the laced areas of the logging boots. While they may be small, they they matter a great deal. When trekking through the underbrush in the forest, dirt, sand, tiny pebbles and small twigs can work their way into the boots through the tongue area of a pair of logging boots. Kilties will guard against any of this type of debris from entering into the boots.

Logging Boots: Not Just for Loggers

Logging Boots are one of the most popular, sought after work boot styles in the United States today. The reason why is simple: they will provide you with the ultimate in safety, comfort and performance. 

If you are actually in the logging industry, you will find that logging boots are not just an option: they are a necessity. But a good pair of loggers may be the best work boots for any job site where serious protection is needed.

If you work in the landscaping or construction fields, in carpentry, on a road crew, or in any other type of blue-collar profession, there are solid benefits to wearing logging boots on the job.

American Made Logging Boots

Above: Chippewa Boots showcase an American flag on their laces

True USA Made work boots put American pride and integrity into the making of each pair of loggers. The result: quality made boots with an exceptional fit, tailored to fit comfortably around a real American working man's foot.

It is important to know how to tell if your work boots are truly made in America, by true American workers. Some say finding real USA Made work boots is as rare as finding a Yeti, but you just have to know what to look for.

Get the Real Scoop on Finding Real USA Made Boots Here.  

The Best Logger Boot Brands

  • Carolina Logger Boots
  • The Carolina Boot company has been around since and states their boots are "Built for Work." According to Google Search results, they are the most searched for Logger Boots in the USA today.

  • Chippewa Logger Boots
    Chippewa has been around since and their logo is "Chippewa. The Best, By Far." Their popular line of "Super Logger Boots" are the gold standard in the logging industry today.

  • Georgia Logger Boots
    Georgia Boot says their boots are built for "America's hardest working people." They engineered and patented a 3 Layer "Comfort Core System." The first layer provides cushioned shock absorption, the second has heel and arch support and the third layer is made of soft, memory foam that conforms to the shape of your feet.

  • Carhartt Logger Boots
    Carhartt has been in the business since , making protective work boots and workwear for the American worker. They make 8" Climbing Logger Boots that are specially designed for those who need to climb ladder rungs to climb up to operate heavy machinery. Their aggressive outsoles are also made to provide traction on loose sand, gravel and uneven ground.
  • Timberland PRO Logger Boots
    The Timberland PRO Ripsaw Logging Boots offer protection from top to bottom, They have an increased height of 9", asymmetrical-shaped safety toe caps and flexible non-metallic puncture-resistant plates. their outsoles offer superior traction in rock-based environments.

Pictured Above: Timberland PRO's Ripsaw Logger Boots

  • Rocky Logger Boots
    The Rocky 9" Square Toe Loggers have a uniquely shaped toe box.  They have Square shape that provides the forefoot and toes with the extra room they need when they tend to swell up towards the end of a long work day. This feature helps to reduce cramping in the foot and the legs.

Pictured Above: Rocky's Square Toed Logger Boots

Final Thoughts

Whatever your job may be, purchasing a pair of Logging Work Boots will provide the utmost in foot protection, because they must meet the most stringent worldwide ASTM standards for work boot safety and have OSHA approval. From strong genuine leather uppers to their deep lugged 90 degree outsoles, an investment in a high-quality pair of loggers will serve you well on any jobsite.


[1]Bureau of Labor Statistic, National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries https://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/cfoi_.pdf
[2]US Forest Service; U.S. Department of Agriculture:  https://www.fs.fed.us/ne/newtown_square/publicatio...

*This blog has been updated in November to display the most accurate and helpful information.

The Best Work Boots of

Manual labor can be hard on the feet. We've narrowed down the best work boots to help you tread carefully in dangerous work environments, and also stand comfortably on hard surfaces for hours at a time.

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Manual labor can be hard on the feet, but a good pair of work boots can keep them comfortable and well-protected. We&#;ve narrowed down the best work boots to help you tread carefully in dangerous work environments, and also stand comfortably on hard surfaces for hours at a time.

Like any tool, there&#;s a right boot for the job. While most of us will sacrifice comfort for safety and function, bulky and stiff work boots can lead to chronic pain. Overall, the best work boots should balance the competing priorities of comfort and utility.

Even if you&#;re careful, heavy materials can unexpectedly fall and crush a foot. When that happens, the only thing that sits between you and workmen&#;s comp is a work boot. Finding the proper footwear is a step toward a long and healthy career.

Based in the Gunnison Valley of Colorado, lead author and boot tester Constance Mahoney was raised as a fifth-generation hunter and rancher. Mahoney and her husband live a life that demands a lot from footwear. They manage property, work seasonal jobs, hunt, fly fish, and frequently venture out into the mud and snow. Every boot on this list has been submitted to careful examination and real-world scrutiny.

We&#;ve categorized boots into steel-toe, safety-toe, and soft-toe varieties. To better evaluate each boot&#;s utility, we rated each on a &#;utility scale,&#; measuring a boot&#;s casual wearability against its utility.

From weekend chore masters to heavy-duty diesel drivers, here are the best work boots of . To help you find the best work boot for your needs, we&#;ve included a buyer&#;s guide, a frequently asked questions section, and a comparison chart.

Editor&#;s Note: Heading into Fall, the days are getting shorter, but the workdays are just as long, so we updated this guide on August 12, , to include a few more models to keep you safe and comfortable on your feet. The Classic Blundstone #172 is our new favorite pull-on boot, the Wolverine Reforce Energybound 6&#; Carbonmax makes for a roomy steel-toed option, and the CAT Invader Mecha Composite Toe Work Shoe is a good choice for those looking for a low top with the safety features of a boot.

The Best Work Boots of

Best Overall Work Boots

Caterpillar Alaska 2.0


  • Utility-scale

    85% utility, 15% casual; best for outdoor-heavy use, but nimble enough for indoor work as well

  • Waterproof


  • Steel toe


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety certifications

    ASTM F-18 rated to protect against open circuits up to 600 V in dry conditions

  • Weight per boot

    2 lbs., 3.1 oz. (size 12)


  • Comfortable

  • Durable outsole and upper

  • Breathable

  • Accurate sizing

  • Good value


  • Low-quality included laces

Taylor Roby

Best Budget Work Boots

Caterpillar Second Shift


  • Utility scale

    80% utility, 20% casual

  • Waterproof


  • Toe Protection


  • Electrical Hazard protection and other safety certifications

    Yes, this boot protects the wearer against open circuits up to 600 V in dry conditions (ASTM F-18)

  • Weight per boot

    2 lbs., 2.5 oz. (size 12)


  • Great value

  • Durable, high quality leather upper

  • Solid breathability and comfort


  • Advertised as waterproof, but tend to soak through easily

Taylor Roby

Best Soft-Toe Work Boots

Thorogood American Heritage 6-Inch Moc Toe


  • Utility-scale

    50% utility, 50% casual; best for indoor warehouse work or carpentry

  • Waterproof


  • Toe Protection


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety certifications

    Electric shock-resisting soles and heels capable of withstanding an application of 18,000 V

  • Weight per boot

    1 lb. 12 oz. (size 12)


  • Sleek vintage look

  • Durable

  • Comfortable after long periods on your feet


  • Not waterproof

  • Not the most protective

Taylor Roby

Most Comfortable Work Boots

BOGS Bedrock II 6&#; WP


  • Utility-scale

    75% utility / 25% casual; outdoor work, all-around work

  • Waterproof


  • Toe protection


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety certifications

    Yes, F-11 / M I/75 C/75

  • Weight per boot

    2 lbs. (size 12)


  • Uncommonly comfortable

  • Minimal break-in required

  • Perfect for wide feet


  • Not the most supportive around the ankle joint

Taylor Roby

Best Pull-On Work Boots

Blundstone #172


  • Utility-scale

    70% utility, 30% casual; indoor/outdoor work, all-around work

  • Waterproof

    Leather is waterproof but elastic stretch panels are not

  • Toe protection


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety certifications

    ASTM F-18 M I C EH

  • Weight per boot

    1.3 lbs per boot


  • Durable

  • Easy on/off

  • Protective toe kick guard


  • Not ideal for outdoor use in winter

Taylor Roby

Best Work Shoe

CAT Invader Mecha Composite Toe Work Shoe


  • Utility-scale

    85% utility, 15% casual; best for long days on your feet

  • Waterproof


  • Toe protection


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety certifications

    ASTM F-18,

  • Weight per boot

    1.11 lbs per shoe size 12


  • Comfortable

  • Lightweight

  • Durable


  • Doesn&#;t breathe well with high output activity

  • May not meet jobsite "boot" requirements

Taylor Roby

Muck Arctic Pro Steel Toe Boot


  • Utility Scale

    80% utility, 20% casual; best for heavy-duty winter work

    For more information, please visit industrial rubber boots manufacturer.

  • Waterproof


  • Toe protection


  • Electric hazard protection and other safety certifications

    Yes, F-11 M I/75 C/75 EH

  • Weight per boot

    2.2 lbs. (size 12)


  • Ideal for cold conditions and deep snow

  • Warm

  • Good traction in snow and muck


  • Only available in whole sizes

Taylor Roby

Best of the Rest

Carhartt Waterproof 6&#; MOC Steel Toe Wedge


  • Utility-scale

    80% utility, 20% casual; best for indoor work that needs additional toe protection

  • Waterproof


  • Toe protection


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety considerations

    Secondary protection against incidental contact with electrical circuits of 18,000 volts or less under dry conditions; Meets ASTM F-18 EH standards

  • Weight per boot

    1.7 lbs., (size 8)


  • Durable

  • Waterproof

  • Breathable


  • Long break-in period

  • Lugs are not aggressive

Taylor Roby

Wolverine Reforce Energybound 6&#; Carbonmax


  • Utility-scale

    85% utility, 15% casual; best for long days on your feet

  • Waterproof


  • Toe protection


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety certifications

    ASTM F-18 M/I/C EH

  • Weight per boot

    1.88 lbs per boot based on 6&#; safety-toe style


  • Short break-in time

  • Durable


  • Run large

  • Don't breathe well

Taylor Roby

Kodiak McKinney


  • Utility scale

    70% utility, 30% casual; indoor/outdoor work, all-around work

  • Waterproof

    Leather is waterproof but elastic stretch panels are not

  • Toe protection


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety certification

    Yes, F I/75 C/75 EH PR

  • Weight per boot

    2 lbs. (size 12)


  • Comfortable

  • Nice-looking

  • More work-capable than most other Chelsea-style boots


  • Runs large

  • Not ideal for wet conditions or deep snow

Taylor Roby

Kenetrek Hardscrabble ST


  • Utility-scale

    80% utility, 20% casual; best for heavy-duty work, though light enough for moderate work

  • Waterproof


  • Toe protection


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety certifications

    Yes, ASTM F-11 and ASTM F-11 impact, compression and electrical hazard safety standards

  • Weight per boot

    1.9 lbs.


  • Excellent ankle support

  • Ideal for mud, snow, and loose outdoor surfaces

  • Durable


  • Requires some break-in

Taylor Roby

Timberland PRO Boondock 6-Inch Comp Toe


  • Utility-scale

    80% utility, 20% casual; best for heavy-duty work, though light enough for moderate work

  • Waterproof


  • Toe protection


  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety considerations

    Yes, electrical hazard protection meets F-11, F-11, and F-11

  • Weight per boot

    2.2 lbs.


  • Plentiful structural support

  • Durable

  • Quite warm for a non-insulated work boot


  • On the heavier side, especially for a boot without a steel toe

Taylor Roby

Danner Vicious


  • Utility-scale

    80% utility, 20% casual; indoor/outdoor work, all-around work

  • Waterproof


  • Toe protection

    Options include plain, composite, or floating PU metatarsal guard

  • Electrical hazard protection and other safety certifications

    Yes, ASTM F-1

  • Weight per boot

    Varies based on options; 1.2 to 2.2 lbs.


  • Comfortable

  • Minimal break-in required

  • Effective waterproofing


  • On the pricey side

Taylor Roby

Red Wing Iron Ranger &#; Men&#;s & Women&#;s


  • Utility-scale

    25% utility, 75% casual; capable of light-duty shop work, but lack of safety toe makes this better off the shop floor

  • Waterproof


  • Toe protection


  • Electrical hazard protection (and other safety certifications)


  • Weight per boot

    1.8 lbs.


  • Top-notch build quality

  • Made in America

  • Elegant styling

  • Doubles as a dress boot

  • Durable


  • Not ideal for heavy duty work

  • Expensive

Taylor Roby

Best Work Boots Comparison Chart

Our testers put dozens of boots through the wringer &#; indoors and out; (photo/Conni Mahoney)

How We Tested the Best Work Boots

The GearJunkie team does not shy away from manual work. Our crew is used to being on their feet for hours in all different weather and working conditions. Safety is a priority, and work boots are critical.

Boots that are ill-fitting or not made to a certain standard can be dangerous and put your feet and sometimes your life in danger. That is why it is so important for us to list all of the safety ratings for the boots in this guide.

Lead author Constance Mahoney grew up on a cattle ranch in Montana. She is no stranger to long days on her feet in all weather conditions. She understands the importance of having the right boot for the job and thinks work boots are just as important as the tools she works with. Quality matters.

Constance&#;s husband, Taylor, has been working in the trades since , and is on-site 5 days a week putting the gear he&#;s wearing to the real test. He is also a licensed chiropractor trained in biomechanics, gait, and orthotics, giving him a unique perspective on how work boots should support, fit, and flex.

Some of the boots in our selection are versatile enough to hike in, but if you&#;re looking to get into the woods after you&#;ve clocked out, check out GearJunkie&#;s guide to the best hiking boots and the best boots for hunting.

The  Caterpillar Alaska 2.0 is our overall favorite workboot; (photo/Conni Mahoney)

Buyer&#;s Guide: How to Choose the Best Work Boots


Of course, a work boot should protect your feet, but the unsung task of the work boot is to enable you to work hour after hour, day after day.

If the boot isn&#;t working, your legs, hips, back, and neck will compensate and eventually take the brunt (and do so with less grace). Above all else, a work boot&#;s task is to address stress at the ground level. A comfortable boot is arguably a safer boot. You&#;ll be more sure-footed and focused on the task at hand in a comfortable boot.

The outsole is where the rubber meets the road. Riding over the cushiony midsole and in direct contact with the ground, the outsole is about grip and protection.

Many boots use special formulas of urethane compounds that strike a balance of flexibility, durability, and increased traction on slick surfaces. If you work in shops where oils occasionally spill on the floor, look for shoes that specifically indicate oil and slip resistance. The best of the best are certified to meet SRC slip-resistance standards.

For standing all day on concrete, we prefer the simple wedge-shaped sole. Unlike a heeled boot, the sole has full contact with the ground. This helps absorb the shock with every step and disperses forces equally across the sole. A full-contact outsole also adds a little extra traction and, hence, is often a preferred sole for those working on slick surfaces.

When you think of the wedge sole, you immediately think of the classic moc-toe boot. We listed Thorogood&#;s American Heritage 6-inch moc toe MAXwear Wedge as our preferred soft-toe boot. But if your shoes are resoleable, a wedge sole can be added to any work boot regardless of the toe type.

If you&#;re standing all day on cement, like working the floor at Costco, a wedge-shaped sole should be on your list. Or, if your work brings you outside, look for a hiker-like tread that provides more traction in dirt and mud.

Sitting opposite the wedge sole is the heeled boot. The raised cowboy-style heel shifts your center of gravity slightly forward. These boots can be extremely durable and stable. But that gap between the heel and under the ball of the foot doesn&#;t give the foot full contact with the ground.

Because of this, they can feel a little squirrelly on slick ground. But they seat well with climbing spurs and have added ankle stability while climbing. Hence, you&#;ll often find taller heels on logger-style boots.

Sturdy outsoles with deep tread is crucial for loose and uneven surfaces; (photo/Conni Mahoney)

Soles can be cemented or welted to the boot. Cemented boots are lighter, more flexible, and arguably more comfortable out of the box. But once the sole wears out, shoes with cemented outsoles are irreparable.

A Goodyear welt can be resoled several times, increasing the life of your purchase. The outsole welt is sewn to the bottom of the shoe, enabling boots to be sewn and re-sewn multiple times. The shoe won&#;t be as comfortable underfoot as a boot cemented to an EVA midsole, but the durability and support are reasonable trade-offs. Over time, slipping into a Goodyear-welted boot will feel wonderfully comfortable.

Need more support? Consider an aftermarket insole. Available in a variety of thicknesses and cushion levels, Superfeet orthotics add a touch of personalized support to your boot. We particularly recommend an aftermarket insole for boots that lack a midsole.


Dry feet are warm feet. If you&#;re working in truly wet conditions &#; like pulling crab pots off the Aleutian Islands &#; look for 100% waterproof boots. If it&#;s both wet and cold, upgrade to a thicker neoprene shell like Muck Boot&#;s fleece-lined Arctic Pro. It&#;s both 100% waterproof and rated down to -60 degrees F.

Other boots, like the BOGS Bedrock, use waterproof leather. In addition to waterproof leather, Timberland&#;s Boondocks and Kenetrek Hardscrabble ST boots add a waterproof-breathable membrane to keep moisture out. These membranes allow boots to be both waterproof and breathable.


If you&#;ll be working outside in cold climates, opt for an insulated boot; (photo/Conni Mahoney)

Cold-weather boots include a thermal footbed and insulation in the shaft. The insulation is listed in the fabric&#;s weight per yard in grams. The higher the gram count, the warmer the boot is.

For cold job sites, we recommend boots with no less than 200 g of insulation in the liner (with 400 g the preferred winter standard). Muck Boot&#;s Arctic Pro has a fat neoprene outer lined with fleece.

If winter work boots have a safety toe, look for boots with insulation around the cap (or composite cap). This reduces the conductive effects of heat transfer from the toes to the safety toe.

High-vis accents are also great, especially if your work starts and ends in the dark or if you&#;re working roadside.

Toe Protection

Reliable toe protection is essential when working with heavy loads and other possible hazards; (photo/Conni Mahoney)

When he was younger, our lead tester&#;s dad worked on a farm that still plowed the fields with steel-wheeled tractors. Long story short, he now has nine toes. The importance of protective boots can&#;t be overlooked.

&#;Safety boots&#; are boots that have a protective cap that covers the phalanges (your actual toes). The cap resists compression, puncture, and impact forces.

Steel toe versus safety toe: What&#;s the difference? All steel-toe boots are considered safety-toe boots. Safety-toe boots are available in composites, alloys, Kevlar, and hard plastics. Steel is more durable and is considered the gold standard on many job sites. But they can conduct cold, heat, and electricity. Our top pick for a steel-toe boot is the Caterpillar Alaska 2.0 steel-toe boot. The Caterpillar (CAT) Second Shift steel-toe work boot is a great budget-friendly option.

Composites still meet the compression and impact safety standards, but they may only be able to sustain one of these impacts. On the flip side, composite-toe boots are lighter and won&#;t conduct currents. If you need toe protection on cold-weather job sites or work with high-voltage equipment, consider buying a non-metallic safety toe boot like the Perkins boot. Or if you are looking for an office boot with a composite toe, check out Kodiak&#;s McKinney Chelsea.

Nineteen of the foot&#;s 26 bones sit under the tongue and vamp of a shoe. The five bones that connect the toes to the ankle and form the arch of the foot are your metatarsals. Some boots like the Danner Steel Yard come with an additional protective &#;met-guard&#; that lies over the laces, protecting the metatarsals.

ASTM Safety Standards

Work boots come with a variety of certifications based on pre-determined safety standards; (photo/Conni Mahoney)

Protection is what elevates a boot from a supportive hiker to an industry heavy-hitter. Standards provide confidence in the boot&#;s ability to perform under specific stressors.

If you poke around work boots enough, you&#;ll likely come across safety ratings set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). These are international standards that identify the minimal requirements for protective footwear on the job site. They rate everything from viral penetration to puncture resistance to compression ratings.

ASTM-F standards rate boots specifically for compression, impact, metatarsal, conductive properties, electrical hazards, static dissipation, and puncture. Here are some typical ASTM abbreviations:

  • I for Impact
  • C for Compression
  • Mt for Metatarsal
  • Cd for Conductive
  • EH for Electrical Hazard
  • SD for Static Dissipating
  • PR for Puncture Resistant
  • CS Chain Saw cut resistance
  • DI for Dielectric insulation &#; insulation from circuits or conductors

Each is followed by a number. To find how your prospective boot rates, the ASTM standards are outlined in four lines:

  • Line 1: Compliance and year
  • Line 2: Gender/impact/compression/metatarsal resistance
  • Line 3-4: Specific hazards the boot protects against

So if we interpret the Timberland Boondock, we get the following:

  • ASTM F-11: Complies with the performance requirement of F, issued in
  • M/I/75C/75: A men&#;s boot that complies with the impact and compression requirements of a 50-pound weight dropped from 18 inches, delivering 75 foot-pounds of force on the toe, and can endure 2,500 pounds of rolling force over the toe

EH: Outsole is made from non-conductive materials that are shock-resistant

Buying Your Work Boots

Folks working in wet and snowy environments should seek out reliably waterproof work boots; (photo/Conni Mahoney)

Which boot is best for you? If you&#;re puttering around the house on weekends, choose a comfortable boot with appropriate protection for your daily tasks.

Unless you&#;re Clark Griswold, you probably don&#;t need a heavy-duty, steel-toe boot to hang Christmas lights. You&#;d be better served with a comfortable, supportive boot with traction like the Danner Vicious. If you want something more stylish that pairs well with suites and shop work, look at the American-made Red Wing&#;s Iron Ranger. However, if you&#;re splitting wood or mowing the lawn, it&#;s not a bad idea to consider a safety toe for protection.

Many jobs will explicitly share which footwear meets required ASTM standards before you can step foot on the site. Neglecting to follow them can incur large fines from OSHA. Getting injured while deciding not to wear protective boots on the job can affect your workmen&#;s comp and insurance. If you&#;re unsure, ask your boss what standards your boots need to comply with.

You can buy any of these boots online. And some manufacturers, like White&#;s, will only build a boot off of your mailed measurements. But for most boots, it&#;s best to try them on at a local shop. A boot&#;s last can be different than your street shoe. A shop can measure your feet and ensure you&#;re stepping into a proper-fitting boot.

Try boots on at the end of the day, preferably after work. Your feet swell over a day&#;s work, and trying on shoes after your shift will provide a better gauge of a proper fit.

When you try on ski boots, you bring ski socks. The same goes for work boots. Bring a pair of socks you intend to wear with the boots. Better yet, buy yourself a new pair of socks; they wear out quicker than you think. Plus, nobody wants to try on shoes with socks pulled from the shop&#;s community bin.

Keep in mind that a stiff, durable pair of work boots may take a few weeks to break in; (photo/Conni Mahoney)

Take care of your boots. Invest in a good horsehair brush to regularly dust off dirt and grime. Clean your boots with warm water. Leather is like your skin and needs moisturizing. Condition your leather boots after every wash.

Your boots are tools, so periodically check them for wear and tear. Treat the safety toe like a helmet. If a composite toe has taken a hit, it&#;s probably best to retire the boots. If the boot has a Goodyear welt, uneven wear on the sole&#;s heel, or any splitting from the boot, it&#;s a good indication it&#;s time to resole.

Work boots can be expensive, but they&#;re part and parcel of your health and wage. Buy wisely, and they should serve you well for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are all sorts of work boots geared toward a variety of tasks &#; it&#;s wise to shop around according to your unique needs; (photo/Conni Mahoney)

What are the most comfortable work boots?

We found that the BOGS Bedrock II 6&#; WP is the most comfortable work boot on the market for most foot shapes. However, if possible, go to a store after your shift is done and try on different boots to see what feels more comfortable to you.

What are the best work boots you can buy?

The best work boot you can buy will be the one that matches the safety ratings you need and one that you can wear repeatedly for hours on end. Everyone&#;s specifics will differ, but the  Caterpillar Alaska 2.0  and the Kenetrek Hardscrabble ST were two of the best overall boots we tested.

What is a MOC toe?

A MOC toe is a style of boot that has a seam running around the top edge of the toe. The Thorogood American Heritage 6-inch moc toe is a prime example of this.

Why do my work boots hurt my feet?

Work boots that hurt your feet generally do not provide the correct support, or they do not fit correctly. Finding the correct boots for your feet is important, and generally, the more money you spend on a work boot, the more comfort and support you will get. Follow our buyer&#;s guide above to help make a comfortable choice.

How do I choose the right work boots?

Everyone&#;s feet are different, so finding the correct boot for your feet is important. Here are some tips to lead you to the right boot when you go out boot shopping. If you need more info on how to choose the right boot, check out GearJunkie&#;s boot-buying tips.

  • Decide what features you are looking for to help guide you to a specific style of boot. Some examples of boot features are as follows: waterproof, steel or safety toe, electrical shock-resistant, slip-on versus lace-up, boot height, etc.
  • Test the boots for length and width. Not every company sizes its boots the same. Some are longer or shorter, and boot width can vary significantly, especially when it comes to safety/steel-toe boots. We have found discrepancies of up to a full boot size between different brands we tried, so you can&#;t always rely on the size that&#;s on the tag. Make sure to try them on before buying them, or if ordering online, make sure you can return them if the fit is incorrect.
  • Make sure that the boots flex well and in the right location. Boots should flex at the ball of your foot, not at your arch. If the boot flexes too far back it will lead to foot fatigue due to lack of support. Looking for boots that say they have a &#;shank&#; can help, as this adds support and only allows the boot to flex where it should flex.
  • Make sure that the laces hold your foot in place. If you cannot get the boot to the correct tightness, it will allow your foot to move too much, causing blistering or irritation.
  • Wear the same socks you wear on the job while trying on boots. Wool/synthetic blends will keep your feet more comfortable than cotton during a long workday.

Try on boots at the end of the workday. Your feet change shape throughout the day so trying on boots at the end of the day when your feet have swollen, widened, and flattened will allow for a much better fit that won&#;t have your feet hurting at the end of a long day.

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