Jul. 29, 2024
PPE safety is the practice of ensuring a safe, working environment for employees and visitors through the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Safety is paramount to all businesses across industries. Using PPEs, paired with inspections such as workplace and restaurant inspections, assessments like health and safety risk assessments, and analysis such as gap analysisis essential to protect employees from risks and hazards.
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According to the hierarchy of controls by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), PPE (sometimes also referred to as PPE equipment)is recommended to be the last level of defense to prevent occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities, but some businesses combined it with other control measures to ensure a safe and healthy environment for their workers. Here are some benefits of using PPEs:
However, even the strictest controls will not necessarily eliminate all the risks associated with most job tasks and this is where the need for PPE must be evaluated. A hazard assessment can help identify which specialized PPE will be required. There are numerous types of workplace safety equipment available depending on the hazard exposure and work conditions. The following are basic PPE that can help protect employees:
PPE includes safety goggles and face shields and should be used for tasks that can cause eye damage or loss of vision, sprays of toxic liquids, splashes, and burns.
Safety Tips:
PPE includes full-face respirators, self-contained breathing apparatus, gas masks, N95 respirators, and surgical masks are used for a task that can cause inhalation of harmful materials to enter the body. This includes harmful gas, chemicals, large-particle droplets, sprays, splashes, or splatter that may contain viruses and bacteria such as COVID-19, viral infections, and more.
Safety Tips:
PPE includes the following categories to protect employees from physical hazards:
PPE includes hard hats and headgears and should be required for tasks that can cause any force or object falling to the head.
Safety Tips:
PPE includes safety vests and suits that can be used for tasks that can cause body injuries from extreme temperatures, flames and sparks, toxic chemicals, insect bites and radiation.
Safety Tips:
PPE includes safety gloves and should be used for tasks that can cause hand and skin burns, absorption of harmful substances, cuts, fractures or amputations.
Safety Tips:
PPE includes knee pads and safety boots and should be used for tasks that can cause serious foot and leg injuries from falling or rolling objects, hot substances, electrical hazards, and slippery surfaces.
Safety Tips:
PPE includes safety harnesses and lanyards and should be strictly used for tasks that can cause falling from heights and serious injury or death.
Safety Tips:
PPE includes ear muffs and plugs and should be used for tasks that can cause hearing problems and loss of hearing.
Safety Tips:
Learn more about hearing protection.
Other examples of PPE include:
welding PPE
such as helmets and and flame-resistant clothing
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Explore nowWorkplace safety should begin with a hazard assessment. Once the hazards and risks have been identified, a plan can be put forward to prioritize and reduce the risk of injury. Useful systems and tools to perform hazard assessments include performing a risk assessment and a Job Safety Analysis (JSA).
The hierarchy of controls is a proven safety approach that helps protect employees. If elimination, substitution, engineering, and administrative controls are not enough to eliminate the risk, it is vital to choose the appropriate PPE carefully. Ensure employees are properly trained to use the safety equipment and be able to detect and report any damages before commencing work.
A toolbox talk about PPE is recommended to discuss the different kinds of PPE that can be used to minimize the likelihood and mitigate the effects of hazards. A toolbox talk template can help in assessing the sufficiency and availability of safety equipment for all employees.
Safety Officers can promote safety in the workplace by following PPE safety requirements:
These examples of PPE safety are based on a free PPE checklist provided by SafetyCulture for anyone to download and use for free.
Nature of work: Laboratory (Chemical Handling) Potential hazards at work:To give you a better idea, weve created a PPE checklist sample pdf report below:
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Eliminate manual tasks and streamline your operations.
Get Started for FreeGiving personal protective equipment (PPE) for your workers alone is not enough to protect them from hazards, injuries, and accidents. This is especially true for industries such as construction, manufacturing, and healthcare. To make sure that their PPEs fully serve their functions, its crucial that your workers understand their proper use, maintenance, and disposal to protect themselves and the people around them. Thankfully, training now is made easy and convenient for you with online PPE courses that your workers can take any time and anywhere.
Here, you can use highly recommended premade courses that will cover the different types of PPE and demonstrate when and how to use them properly. Reinforcing PPE training will not only keep your workers safe from hazards but also boost productivity without any threat of unwanted incidents. Try Training, a mobile feature available on the SafetyCulture platform.
All Training courses can be customized to fit the needs of your organization and be shared with your team in minutes. Workers can access the lessons in these courses even offline.
Try out Training now!
Improve safety in your workplace with SafetyCulture Marketplace as your one-stop shop for all work gear and equipment needs. Get on-demand access to top quality and specialized work gear from trusted equipment brands in the industryall in one centralized location. Raise the bar of safety and efficiency by empowering employees to request what they need with just a few taps, anytime and anywhere!
Tracking the number of usable PPE is easier for safety officers as well and they are better equipped to provide what their employees need to get the job done.
SafetyCulture provides a digital space for safety officers and employees to work towards PPE safety. By utilizing this app, safety officers are able to protect employees from the hazards of the job by ensuring that their PPEs are always in good condition. Make PPE inspections easy by being able to:
Beyond PPE inspections, SafetyCulture can also be used to develop an organizations health and safety program by enabling safety officers to do the following:
Discover a better, faster, and easier way to empower teams in the workplace.
SafetyCulture has helped businesses around the world achieve
reduction in reporting time*
savings from safety & compliance improvements*
increased audit & data management efficiency*
*Reported in Forresters study: The Total Economic Impact of SafetyCultures Operations Platform
In most situations, this work wear needs to be tough and durable, so that it provides long lasting protection against damage and injury. However, there are other circumstances when the work wear doesnt need to last for long periods or will get so dirty or damaged during the course of the work that it will be useless. There are other jobs that require clean and fresh PPE equipment each time work is carried out. Which is wear disposable work wear comes in.
There are many jobs where it is necessary to wear certain garments or apparatus to protect our person or our clothes from damage. In some circumstances it is actually required by law that you wear personal protective equipment such as gloves , goggles and hard hats .
Gloves, coveralls, facemasks, hair coverings and plenty more all come in disposable varieties. While there are some obvious benefits to this, it does come with some drawbacks too.
Lets have a closer look at both.
The pros
For jobs like painting, working with grease or other oil-based products, and hygienically sensitive work, some garments are useless or too dirty once they have been used. Plastic gloves and paper overalls can be used in these circumstances and then simply discarded. This saves time cleaning and protects against contamination.
Disposable PPE is also very convenient and very suited to occasional use, and you dont have to worry about damaging or dirtying workwear during use.
The main benefits of disposable PPE include:
The cons
In these days of increasing concern about the environment and our throwaway culture, the idea that we can use something once and then dispose of it goes against the grain. However, by using materials that can be recycled this neednt be too much of an issue.
In the short term, using disposable items will be cheaper than purchasing heavy-duty permanent workwear. However, in the longer-term, disposable workwear is not a great solution. Reusing and maintaining higher-quality products is more cost-effective in the long run.
To summarise, the main downsides to disposable workwear are:
Should you choose disposable PPE?
What is always required before choosing any workwear is a thorough assessment of the risks and necessary safety procedures to ensure everyone is safe at work at all times. Its only by carrying out these enquiries that you can be sure if disposable workwear is suitable for the needs of your business.
In some cases, disposable PPE makes perfect sense. If youre stockpiling coveralls or respirators to provide to guests and site visitors, for example, disposable items are a better choice than expensive long-lasting ones. Disposable PPE is also great for workplaces where clothing gets dirty quickly, such as garages and workshops, avoiding the need to constantly clean stubborn stains off more expensive workwear.
There are other jobs that require clean and fresh PPE equipment each time work is carried out, which is where disposable workwear comes in.
If you are interested in providing disposable workwear for your employees, take a look at Protec Directs extensive collection of disposable PPE.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website ppe safety gloves.
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