Sep. 02, 2024
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U nfortunately, for most artists, this means procrastination, hand wringing, hair pulling, and asking everyone What should I do?
I get asked about this a lot, and not just by artists; I get asked by all manner of business people, so this conversation is one Ive had many, many times, and in many different industries.
Ill explain the broader concepts, and how I applied choosing a name for my art website, as well as the times Ive chosen to break the rules.
A websites name is called its domain name, or URL. For example, my domain name is pencilneck.com.
The domain name/URL is the name of the website thats typed into the address bar of your web browser.
The web browser is the program you use to get onto the internet Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc., are all web browsers, which are used to browse the web (get it?)
Im a big believer that when choosing a name for your art website or company for that matter to the greatest extent possible, that the name should also explain what they do.
Is there any question about what business theyre in at DiscountCruises.com, or PestControl.com? I dont know if these are real websites or not, but if I was in each of those businesses, make sure to check out if these names were available.
The problem a lot of artists have when they embrace their businesses is that they feel they have to show the maximum amount of creativity in every possible situation.
Unfortunately, what happens most often is that things get too fancy, or tricky, or complicated for their own good. So going after a website such as energy.com because your art deals with healing or chakras might make sense to you, someone else might be looking for alternative energy sources, or information on jobs in the oil industry.
You should also consider that, to a certain extent, the name of your website may help your search rankings in Google, though this isnt as important as it used to be.
The Pencilneck ®
If possible, its nice if your domain name is YOUR name.
In my case however, people always misspell it, so using my name as my web address would actually be an impediment to have people get there. Its not that my name is hard to spell, its just a variation on the most common spelling.
A lot of non-Anglo names have the same problem.
Heres an example: Ive had the same mother-in-law for something like 200 years, and her family is from Poland. Her maiden name is so crammed packed with consonants from the latter portion of the alphabet that I find it impossible to spell. Not that anyone in her family are artists, but as an example, the name KonnieKondraczynski.com as a website is perhaps more of a hurdle than one would prefer when trying to get people to visit ones website.
Im not suggesting anyone change their name (though for 25 bucks down the courthouse, it remains a bureaucratic bargain) and it could be pointed out that Arnold Schwarzenegger did well for himself with an unlikely name. Even so, due to branding and positioning, his last name was minimized. If someone was to come to you and say I just saw Arnold getting into a limousine!, youd know exactly whom they were speaking about.
And Arnolds website? Arnold.com
and the one I recommend to anyone using their own name, is to also register the common misspellings of their names, and have them automatically redirect people to the correct site. For instance, BrianJohnstone.com should also have BrianJohnson.com redirect to BrianJohnstone.com.
Registering names are cheap; typically less than $10 a year.
Your name can also be a problem on the other side; if you have a relatively common name. At last count, I know four Brian Johnsons, and two Brian Johnstones. Im the only Owen Garratt I can find, but there are two Owen Garretts in the UK, one of whom seems to have gone to jail (eep!).
Often, a good solution may be to combine your name with your artistic vocation: BrianJohnsonSculpture, BrianJohnsonPhotography, BrianJohnsonGlassworks, etc.
For most artists, combining your name with what you do (difficult spelling notwithstanding) is likely the best and safest bet.
A quick note: I dont recommend you use hyphens to separate words in a URL. Some people will tell you that by separating the words with hyphens, Google can identify the individual words better, and is able to reward you with higher rankings because it can connect those words with what people are searching for, but this is not as important as it was in the past.
Also, it makes it just that little bit more difficult for people to type in, and it invites errors.
When you go to Go Daddy, or wherever, to search the availability of a name, they will suggest hyphenated alternatives, but I rarely recommend that option.
Because if its hyphenated that mean somebody likely already owns the non-hyphenated version, and people trying to get to your site, but forgetting the hyphens, will end up on someone elses site!
It goes without saying, but this should be avoided
Some suggest hyphens because it can make the web address is easier to read, which may be true, but what I recommend is what is called camel case. This means you capitalize the 1st letter of each word in the URL, as in MarketingToolsForArtists.com, and should be how the URL is shown in text on business cards, brochures, etc.
Of course, use common sense and look at the URL beforehand to make sure the camel case works in your situation, and you should also avoid URLs with the letter A as a word, or short words like in, to, at, etc., or initials in your name, as it can get a little funny looking.
For the same reasons, Im also a firm believer that artists should stick with.com for their web addresses and not go with .net, .org, .biz, .co, .info, .ca, .co.uk, or any of the other naming conventions, if at all possible.
If .com is not available, choosing .net is usually worse than just finding another name altogether, because .com is so ingrained in the public conscious that most people looking for you will type in .com the, which means youll be sending people to someone elses website.
And in a certain hard to define way, .com feels more legit, more permanent, and more trustworthy than the alternatives.
Okay this makes sense so far, but why did you go with pencilneck.com instead of something like: OwenGarrattPencilArt.com, or something?
I went with Pencilneck out of a long thought-out process concerning branding.
After reading Jimmy Buffetts A Pirate Looks at Fifty, it struck me how effective his branding was, especially how his fans refer to themselves as Parrotheads. I wanted a name that somehow touched on my art, my personality (specifically humor), was memorable, and that I could make identifiable in various situations.
It took 3 years, but I finally got it, and when I did, it was so obvious that I got angry I didnt connect the dots sooner!
Pencilneck was perfect. The pencil component fitted my art, of course, and the geek connotation was offset by my 6 foot, 280 lb frame its like calling the bald guy Curly which touches on the humor.
No, not everybody gets it, and thats okay
Most importantly, Pencilneck is memorable, much more memorable than Owen Garratt, and its easier to spell.
So I searched pencilneck.com and found that it was taken!
Disaster? Almost
Rather than buying a hyphenated or alternative to .com, I spent $ (though I would have paid much, much more) and bought the name from the chap who owned it. Then I made Pencilneck ® a registered trademark through the US patent office.
Of course, Im not suggesting that you go through the hassle and expense of buying a domain name from someone else, but I shouldnt rule it out for anyone either.
If your name is already taken, or is unsuitable, a common solution is to create a studio name.
Early on in my career, my business name was Birchwood Art and Litho, and BirchwoodArt couldve been a domain nameexcept that it really doesnt mean anything, does it?
Again, its pretty important that the domain name says what it is.
My friend Roxy Ruchert does brilliant pencil art of horses and uses the name BridlewoodArt.com, which does a nice job of the pre-positioning what her art, and her website, is about. Using the word bridle in the domain name lets people know that horses are involved.
If I were specializing in horse art, I might try SaddleSoreArt.com!
If you already have your website up and running, its okay to change it though Id be hesitant too if youre getting lots of traffic to your existing site).
You can use whats called a redirect. A redirect means, when someone types in one domain name, you can automatically have them taken to another one just as in the case where you register various spellings of your name.
For years my original website was ThatPencilGuy.com, and when I got Pencilneck ® rolling, I just had anyone who typed in ThatPencilGuy.com taken directly to pencilneck.com.
This means you dont need to change your entire website if you decide to change your domain name.
If you use WordPress, heres the plugin I use for redirects: https://wordpress.org/plugins/redirection/
This is important: under no circumstances should the name of your website/URL contain your hosting service!
What do I mean?
XIANGTAI contains other products and information you need, so please check it out.
Your hosting service is where your website lives. It could be WordPress.com, it may be a site like Shopify, or Wix, or dozens of others.
So your website should NOT be: yourname.shopify.com, or yourname.wix.com, or yourname.wordpress.com, or anything else!
This screams a lack of professionalism. Having your own URL is the cheapest thing you can do for yourself, and not having your own URL announces loud and clear that youre not a serious artist.
Harsh words, but true.
Ill have an upcoming article on hosting, which is choosing a company or place to set up your website.
In the meantime, go to either GoDaddy.com (see the camel case?) or Namecheap.com and then enter your choice of a web name in their web checker box and see if its available. Dont be distraught if your favorite isnt available; very few obvious ones are left. Come up with a short list of 2 or 3 in see how it goes.
Even if you dont have a website, or arent quite ready to have your website, you can still go and reserve the name: you can buy it and sit on it so no one else gets it!
Why GoDaddy?
GoDaddy is who I use, and they are the Big Dog in the industry; somewhere around 70% of all Internet registrations go through them.
They built their name on low-cost domain names and now dominate the industry.
They also have terrific customer support, and Ive never failed to get my questions asked and answered on the quickly and easily.
Why Namecheap?
Namecheap is the big tough new alternative.
Easier to use, tremendous support, and overwhelmingly used by people in The Know.
The next name I register will absolutely be with Namecheap.
Now go get your name!
P.S. A Final Tidbit: All other things being equal, the shorter URL will be more effective than a longer one!
Whether you are looking to acquire art for decorative purposes, as an investment, or for a love and passion for the arts, building a strong art collection requires time and knowledge.
If you are interested in starting an art collection but are unsure of where to start, through this beginners guide, The Artling shares the fundamental and essential tips on what, why, and how to collect art. Upon first sight, the art world may seem like an intimidating and daunting space that is tough to crack, however, we want to assure you that it is anything but. The art world is a wonderful place to explore, with plenty of artists of diverse practices to discover and learn more about. Whether you want to buy your first major work, or simply want to enhance your experience at a fair or gallery opening, all it takes is an open mind and some curiosity.
We understand that buying your first artwork can be an intense task, especially if you dont know what to buy, where to buy, or how to buy within your budget. If you are looking for a contemporary statement piece, or want to invest in art for your home, there are many ways to build an impressive art collection without breaking the bank whilst simultaneously having a rich, rewarding experience. Continue reading, as The Artling shows you how to curate an art collection you love and feel proud of.
Carla Sa Fernandes, The Emotional Creation #291 // Available on The Artling
There are numerous reasons to start an art collection. Individuals may start to collect as a form of investment, a means of collecting a precious piece of history, or as a way to support the arts the list goes on. Collecting art is a very subjective experience, but it is also a great way to showcase aspects of your personality and make a statement about who exactly you are.
Drop those preconceived notions you have on art collecting it is not just for the wealthy and famous. Many new art collectors today actually start on a small budget as they learn and navigate the art world. There cant be a better example than Herbert and Dorothy Vogel. Once described as "proletarian art collectors," this couple amassed a collection of over 4,782 works while working as civil servants in New York City. Their collection, consisting mostly of minimalist and conceptual art, has been called one of the most important post-s art collections in the United States. What truly set them apart from what most may consider the stereotypical art collector is that they only bought pieces they personally liked and could carry home on the subway or in a taxi and displayed and stored their collection in their rent-controlled one-bedroom apartment on Manhattans Upper East Side.
Allan Borebor, PUFF // Available on The Artling
Before you even start looking for works to collect, the first step for new art collectors is to establish a budget. This budget will allow you to decide what is available for you to buy and where. Start small and gradually increase your budget as you grow your collection, confidence, and understanding of art. A budget of $1,000 or less could be a good starting point but this could vary depending upon your income.
Consider your purchasing patterns. Do you intend to buy one original artwork worth $1,000 every month or multiple lesser-priced pieces? A good rule to follow is quality over quantity since your budget is not a static indicator and will change in the future.
Pauline di Valentin, Villa yoga // Available on The Artling
What are your intentions with this art collection? Defining your motivation or goals for buying art will have a huge impact on the kind of collection you end up building. A good approach is to buy what you love and brings you joy. You will have to live with the art you purchase, so it is better to invest in something that will inspire you every day.
Creating and sticking to your budget is important but that doesnt mean settling for something you dont love. In the same breath, dont devalue an artwork because it is priced below your perceived price of good art. If you really like the artwork, buy it, whether the price is $50 or $500. The more expensive doesnt necessarily mean the better the work.
Many collectors start collecting for aesthetic reasons, for example, to enliven their living room. Art can no doubt transform a space and create beautiful interiors, but what happens when their collection outgrows their space? As art collections grow bigger, art collectors need to think about the logistics, installation, insurance, storage and conservation of their works. It is always useful to have a few reliable companies in mind just in case.
Many people think of buying art as an investment. While it is a considered line of thought, it's critical for new buyers to understand that there are no guarantees when it comes to investing in art. If a return on art investment is your primary driver for collecting art, you will have to look at mid-career or established artists which means more expensive works.
Samantha Donaldson, Chromatic Vug in Blue & Fuchsia
Now that you have set your budget and defined your goals, its time to do some homework. To ensure that you have an enjoyable experience collecting art, immerse yourself fully in the art world and do some research!
Learn about the various types of artworks, mediums, and styles; read up on artists, visit museums and galleries, or find artworks you love on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.). When you see more art, you will start understanding the difference between various techniques, mediums, and styles used by different artists. Most importantly, you will train your mind and eye to identify the types of art you love and enjoy more than others.
This will give you a better idea of what kinds of works you envisage in your collection. You may find yourself gravitating towards abstract painting, prints, sculpture, or black and white photography.
Kara Yong, My bones are bored with all the waiting ; // Available on The Artling
There are many places to discover and find art you love. A more traditional method is to attend art fairs, go to exhibition openings and visit galleries. These are excellent places to find artists and artwork to build your collection. Dont be afraid to ask questions, make connections, and read artists biography pages. The best way to gain access to insider tips is to speak with other like-minded collectors at these events.
Another way to find artwork for your collection is to browse art online through reputable websites. On The Artling, we categorize artworks according to medium, size, theme, orientation and color, which comes in handy for those wanting to narrow down their search. If you are interested in collecting art from a particular region, you can also pick the country of your choice.
With transparent pricing, easy access to a wide variety of artworks, and the ability to compare artists, galleries, and prices from the comfort of your home makes buying art online a very efficient and economical option for new art collectors. No more asking for price lists from multiple galleries and studios with limited inventories. You can take your time, browse artworks from all over the world, buy your favorite original art for as little as $50, and have it delivered to your doorstep.
Jeon Hee Kyoung, Ideal Life II // Available on The Artling
After carrying out your initial research, you will be able to determine the kinds of themes, genres, and artists that you are drawn towards. You should have a rough idea as to what styles you would like to start incorporating into your collection. Still unsure as to what exactly you want to start collecting? Take a look at our brief overview of the different kinds of materials and mediums you can purchase.
Unique works like paintings are one-off and therefore, can be expensive. Photography and limited editions are more commonly created in multiples which means they are generally more affordable. Limited editions are also cheaper to ship since they can be packed rolled for shipment. If there is a particular artist or a famous artist that you like but whose works are too expensive for your budget, consider their limited editions as they will likely have a lower price tag but are still valuable, especially if signed by the artist. Embracing prints is a great way to begin your art collection.
If youre interested in collecting a specific category of works, check out our guide to buying photography and how to identify high quality prints worth investing in.
Tommy Kwak, "Chroma" - Pink Rock // Available on The Artling
Han Youngsoo, Seoul, Korea - // Available on The Artling
When buyers think about starting their art collection, they tend to favor framed canvases as their first works, and as a result overlook sculptures and design objects. However, these three-dimensional works of art are fantastic additions to a collection, and make wonderful display pieces within the home. We recommend considering small-scaled sculptures and design objects, as they are usually priced to sell. Well-made objects signed by the artist can be a valuable addition and add variety as well as an eclectic feel to your collection.
Gidon Bing, Solid Man // Available on The Artling
Kirsty Macrae, Large Vessel // Available on The Artling
If original paintings are your preferred choice of medium, there are some ways you can buy museum-worthy pieces for a much lower price. While paintings from mid-career to established and famous artists can cost a fortune, investing in their smaller pieces is a balanced way of collecting new art. You get the essence of the artists at a less intimidating price.
You can still add stunning original paintings to your art collection if you are willing to explore emerging and slightly lesser-known artists. Buying from these under-the-radar artists means you will be among their early collectors and supporting them at the beginning of their careers. Added benefits include unique works hanging on your walls instead of replicated prints, and the right to brag about your knowledge of and support for emerging artists.
So how do you find an emerging or a new artist with potential? Start with their CV, look for any solo shows or stints at art residencies, appearance in group exhibitions, if theyve received any press coverage or if they are active in interesting and thriving communities. Follow them on social media and observe reactions to their artwork from their followers. Remember, starting an art collection is about using your eye over listening to others. If you like the work of an emerging artist and it's within your budget, buy it.
Kanwal Zafar, The Gold Mine // Available on The Artling
Jose Antonio Reyes, Juice // Available on The Artling
If you have never acquired a work of art before, there are a number of important things you should consider before making that decisive purchase.
When you purchase a work of art, the Certificate of Authenticity is crucial to prove that the work is indeed authentic. The document will come in handy when you need to insure the work. Plus, you never know when in the future your art collection may grow to a point that you decide to donate or sell certain pieces. The loss of the certificates may cause great trouble in the future. This is why we recommend that art collectors keep important documents for their art collection safely.
Buying art can be quite addictive once you really get into it. However, the best thing is to not get too over-zealous. Take your time between buying works, you might find that what you bought six months ago is no longer to your tastes. Also, remember that even if you really love a work, it is always better to buy a work that is in good condition having to restore a work in poor condition can drive up the cost of it significantly.
With any form of investment, higher returns are often tagged to higher risks. You may see or hear of other collectors buying young emerging artists and making a good profit reselling them later and its tempting to follow suit. However, we strongly recommend that art should not be purchased for pure investment. You need to like the artwork, be willing to live with the piece, and believe in the artist's career. If youre completely new to the field, its better buy something a bit more conservative and collect the tried and tested favourites.
Zhou Chengzhou, A coloured top // Available on The Artling
If you have already started your art collection, or just bought your first work thats great! However, it is important to make sure they your new work is stored properly to ensure longevity of the item. The best person to probably ask is the person who sold you the work, which could be the artist or the gallery.
If the work is one that is slightly older, you could also approach a conservator that specialises in that particular medium, as they would be able to advise you on how to restore it and maintain the condition. You should always invest in proper framing: works on paper should not be placed in direct sunlight, use UV-protective plexiglass where possible and make sure that works are mounted on acid-free paper.
Sabine Lintzen, Common Ray Honey Caramel // Available on The Artling
Are you short on time or still unsure what artwork to select and need further guidance? Dont fret, working with an art consultant is a very convenient option. An art consultant can quickly find a wide variety of artworks based on your requirements and budget, but they will also help you make a more informed purchase. Having a basic understanding of your requirement will save time for both you and the consultant. At The Artling, you can avail of our dedicated art consultancy services or chat with our expert curators from any product page.
Eva Davis, Mutations Color08 // Available on The Artling
We hope that this comprehensive guide thas given you all the tips and key things you need to know to start an art collection. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you ever need help with your art selection.
There is no short cut to connoisseurship and it does take time, energy and money. Talking to artists, other collectors, curators and art advisors and using the plethora of information available on the internet will increase the pace of learning!
Any views or opinions in the post are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the company or contributors.
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