Dec. 09, 2024
The test lasts for about 10 minutes in the case of the fluoresceinography and, in the case of the indocyanography around 40 minutes. Nevertheless, the total time that the patient spends in the centre from arrival to departure is around 1 hour.
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You do not need to fast before the test. You should have breakfast like any other day but not eat excessively.
It is very important to come to the test with someone else, because your vision will be temporarily blurred. Your pupil will be dilated so you will not be able to drive after the test.
The side effects that pupils may experience from the test are the result of pupils being dilated and may include glare and blurred vision. During the test we can see the flashes and lights that are emitted by the apparatus and on occasions we may experience some nausea or temporary heat. In some exceptional occasions stronger sensations may be experienced.
After the test the patient may continue to experience blurred vision for a few hours as a result of the dilating drops. Some patients may also experience a change in skin colour or the colour of their urine, as the dye is eliminated through the urine.
We have a medical and nursing team who are trained in resuscitation and are available at all times in case of an emergency.
Additional resources:For more Retinal Camerainformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.
The glare effects last for as long as the effects of the eye drops, which can last for around 4 hours, while the change in urine colour can last for 1 to 3 days, depending on the patients renal function.
ICR has the best technology on the market. The highly versatile tool that we use can be adapted and focused depending on the patients illness to obtain detailed images of the internal layers of the eye, as well as combining the angiography with another test that provides lots of information, the optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Indocyanine green angiography or ICGA is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the circulation of the retina; the neurosensory tissue of the eye that transmits the optical images we see into the electrical images our brain understands, as well as deeper into the choroid; the layer behind the retina that provides oxygen and nourishment to the outer layer of the retina. The main advantage of the ICGA test is that it allows specific analysis of the choroidal vessels and their interaction with the retina.
After your eyes are dilated, the physician or nurse will use a butterfly needle to inject a small amount, (5ml) of Indocyanine green dye into the vein of your arm or hand. The butterfly needle is then removed. The dye only takes moments to reach the eye so you will be positioned in the camera at the time of injection when a live high-resolution video will be obtained. Special filters are used in the camera that allow the dye to fluoresce and even subtle changes can be noted in choroidal blood flow. The actual test itself takes about 20-30 minutes once the injection is complete while a specific series of timed videos and photographs are taken. This test is usually ordered in combination with other imaging techniques in order to best evaluate your retina.
The test is considered to be safe for most patients. Rare, allergic reactions to indocyanine green can occur, effecting less than 0.2% of patients in which itching with rash and/or hives, and nausea may be experienced. If you were to have this reaction, it would occur moments after the test began while under the physicians care. In most cases, these symptoms can be managed with an oral antihistamine tablet, such as Benadryl and the allergic reaction will cease within minutes. However, patients with an allergy to iodine or shellfish should inform the physician as ICG dye would be contraindicated in these cases.
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